(OLD) It's Tax Time in the MMP!

US tax deadline is Tues, 4/18. Have you waited till the last minute? Get it in gear!!! We submitted our in Feb, because we’re over-achievers :wink: and we wanted our refund!

OK, enough of that. I’m up stoopit early because I have to do a brief babysit this morning, before I head out to finish wax on/wax off. My coughing has subsided a lot!, so that’s good news.

And I haven’t noticed Taz having a seizure in the last couple of days, so maybe more good news? Could the gooshy food be magical and medicinal? We shall see.

Happy Moanday!!

First! It’s good to be juvenile!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. *YAWN * ‘Tis 53 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 74 and N.O.S. for the day. A usual day of sloth and general overall uselessness is the plan of the day. Sup shall be beast roast with rice’n gravy, baby lima beans, squishes and rolls. We got taxes done in February so we’re all good.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

It’s flippin’ snowing here! :snowflake:

Morning everyone. Up and having coffee, enjoying the sensations of not going to work on a Monday – which never loses its charm (laziness, I mean). 52.0 F here, with sunshiny 80 predicted.

Back home from a week oddly similar to FCMs (last week). Cleaning the bottom of the boat, and finding out what broke while I wasn’t looking (tachometer cable, if anyone’s interested). The good news is she’s back up to normal cruising speed again and I refueled the day before prices went up. The bad news is my glasses fell overboard, but I had spares with me. Unfortunately I don’t have insurance on them and will have to shell out the cost again. Crap.

Eldest will be in town for a week of training, so am looking forward to seeing him. Since his company isn’t providing a rental car, we’ll be delivering one of ours to his hotel for the duration. It’ll be easier for him (and workmates) to have wheels during their stay.

The missus returns home today from a week with Youngest, helping her get ready for some school functions. I wanted to go too, but it’s now so hard to schedule boat maintenance that we decided I should take care of that instead.

Like our esteemed OP, we did taxes many moons ago, so it’s not a problem this week.

Well, on to the day. If I get tired of relaxing on the couch, I’ll move to the easy chair. Hopefully my thumbs won’t be too tired from operating the remote - as that’s all I have planned for the day. Except for cooking of course, so off to breakfast I go! Fruit and cereal with skim milk? Like heck – cheesy omelets with fried potatoes I say.

Hope everyone has a good week!

The wife filed our taxes on Saturday via TurboTax, as I mentioned in the last MMP. A distasteful task, if ever there was one.

It would appear that management made a hasty decision here at Walking Dead Manor and switched over to A/C when we had those few days of heat last week. Now we have snow on the ground again and 30F, with another dose of snow coming later this week, and it’s cold AF in the place.

Mornin’ all! Up and about to head to the shop. Should be a busy week, what with loading a biiig truck to take all our stuff off to the museum. Chilly today, 'specially after the weather over the weekend. It went from 80’s to 40’s overnight.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Morning all. Up about 0630 to a bright, clear sky and no rain the forecast, 50F now and heading for 70F. Opened the garage door in case the plumbers decide to surprise me and show up without calling, if I don’t see them by 9am I’ll call and confirm they are coming Tuesday. Also never got a reply back from the fence people, so need to ring them and find out when my side-fence is getting rebuilt. And once I know those two things I can schedule my car to go to the shop to get the turn signal light replaced and have the techs figure out what is wrong with the key fobs. So a busy (and expensive) week in store.

My taxes got filed in March and I have both Federal and State refunds back.

From last week, Cat Glove asked:

Nope, must be a seasonal thing, I sail from Miami, FL and end up in Los Angeles.

Yanker, didn’t know (or remember) that you had a boat. And good thing you had a spare pair of glasses; I don’t normally carry mine unless I’m traveling away from the home area, have to remember to pack a spare pair if I’m on a boat at anytime in the near future.

To all y’all in the Great White North, it’s supposed to get into the 80’sF here in N. Ali-bama this week…

FCM, hope Taz keeps feeling better. Maybe we all should be eating gooshy food?

OK< onward into the day!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 15c/58f outside and cloudy. Weather app decrees that it’s “Probably not a good fucking beach day”. I agree, definitely looks cloudy on the side of rain out there. I have no problem with that, it’s a work at home day for me so I have no reason to be outside the house until it’s time to empty the bins later. Recycling collection tomorrow, known here as “ringing the bells of Bacchus”.

Moooom fingers and paws crossed that Taz is feeling better. Perhaps the new food is magic after all!

shoe and Cookie stay warm!

I don’t have to file taxes, my employer does all of that for me and I have no other income that would necessitate filling out tax returns. I did spend a number of years being self-employed and earning so little that I didn’t pay tax on it in the first place :slight_smile:

My day is quiet, I have a spreadsheet to play with which suits me fine. I’ve got a meeting in the morning with one of my new minions so I should do some prep for that but I think that will wait for tomorrow too. Should be logged out of irk in just over 2hrs time, then I can either do an exercise thing at home or take myself to the gym. Might stick with the hone one as it’s my turn to cook tonight.

Did my taxes a month ago. Got a combined $2500 back in refunds. I really need to go talk to payroll…

Morning all. My girlfriend was out on a school trip for around 2 weeks, and she just came back home last night. I missed her a ton, so it feels good to be with her again. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good morning, kids! It’s a toasty 29 degrees F out right now, and the ridiculous winds we had over the weekend have died down… So I took my chances and wore a dress to work. I’ve been cycling between the same two pairs of jeans for the last five months, so I guess I’m eager to have more of my wardrobe open to me! I’ve got a research symposium conference to go to Wed-Thur, so I’ll be trying to sneak in a bunch of my week’s schoolwork here at work-work today and tomorrow.

My tax situation is… Irritating. My ex (to whom I am still legally married) makes (and has always made) more than double what I do, and due to some nonsense that I don’t fully understand, we never have had enough withheld and always wind up owing. My ex will be filing ours today, and we’ll have to work out how much of the debt each of us will be responsible for coming up with. I’m not looking forward to it. We’re not on unfriendly terms, but. It’ll be awkward and stressful and I will probably cry. Such is life. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

H&R Block did my taxes in February. I worked at my regular job, had a pension, signed up for Social Security, and had IRA withdrawals. Too complicated for me. Saturday I had the a/c on. Yesterday was cold and windy so on went the heat. It snowed/slushed overnight.

G’morning, all! It’s not supposed to get too warm here today, 67F. At the moment, it’s 49F and sunny. With this weather, I’m thinking of going out for a walk after I’m done with storytime at the library. I need to get back into that habit. I need to get back into the all over healthier habits so I don’t gain back everything I’ve lost.

Like FCM, we filed our taxes back in February and got ours back without a problem. It’s not because I’m an overachiever. We just want our money! :smiley:

Looking forward to tonight. Hubby’s best friend and his family are coming to town and we’re getting together with them for dinner. Not sure what time yet, and we’ve thrown out a suggestion for where to eat, one of our favorite Chinese buffets. I THINK we’ve gone there with them before, but it’s been a long time since we’ve seen them. It’s going to be good to catch up with them.

FCM, I’m glad that Taz is getting better! I hope the magical, medicinal gooshy food keeps Taz seizure free.

shoe, I’m sorry for the snow. I’d send you some of my warmer weather, but I don’t know if it would make it there.

pullin, I hope you have a good visit with Eldest. Sounds like you’ve got a nice day ahead. After last week, you deserve it!

Aaand… I’ve gotta go bring BtY to school and head to story time. I’ll try to catch up on the rest of my thread reading later today. Hope everyone has a great day!

Last night I dreamt the U.S. was under imminent nuclear threat from Russia and I had to take shelter in my late brother’s house. Of course, he was alive in the dream.

A reasoanble Monday heave. I did my taxes in February, and got back tens of dollars.

Spot is currently not participating in Monday.

Not nearly as large as FCMs, more of a weekender than actual cruiser. I had spare glasses in my truck, which was 150 yards away in the marina parking lot. And someone else had a similar truck the same color as mine – hilarity ensued (not). It finally dawned on me to push the button on the fob and go towards the grey blob that clicked/honked.

Here she is in her berth, silently plotting what part will break next.

Thank you!

Somehow we have arrived at a place where our taxable income and our tax deductions balance out. We have some money being withheld through the year and we get that all back. It is just enough to pay our property taxes and homeowner’s insurance for the upcoming year.

I have no idea how this came about, but I am not complaining.

Not sure I follow. Is it because of all the wine bottles clinking and beer cans clacking?

What. The. Fuck.

Is this yet another one of those “the entire rest of civilization does X but 'Murricans are savages raised in a barn”?


(Wait, I thought she was long-distance, or overseas or something… ? Either way, I’m happy that you’re happy.)

Oh, no, don’t be!

It’s actually still snowing, and I’m not talking about a few dainty little flakes, I mean it’s comin’ DOWN out there.

Not gonna stick, of course, but made for a WTF moment for this transplanted Texan this morning.

That’s a meme right there.

Well, it’s my Blessed Day Off.
On top of it, I endured a very nerve-wracking appointment this morning that I’ve been dreading …
Court date relating to my recent arrest - plea was reduced to “no proof of insurance” which is a simple fine, and considering I’ve spent weeks dreading this to the point of barely eating or sleeping, I am SO EFFING RELIEVED so imma spend this snowy day cuddling Monkey, eating my own food (I’m finally actually ferrealz hungry!) and probably take a nap. I’m exhausted.

Yes, but she wasn’t on her phone while she was gone.

Yes, our recycling is mostly wine and beer bottles rather than tins of stuff! Not that we drink that much, it just outweighs the number of tins in there :slight_smile:

Yup…over here your main income is taxed at source so the uni does the deductions and passes it on to the wastrels in the House so that I don’t have to. I have to pay my local council tax (probably the equivalent to your property taxes) but everything else disappears out of my wages before I even see it.