(Old) It's still dark MMP

I have no idea why I am up this early…

First! It’s good to be juvenile!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN. ‘Tis 77 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 96 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Not much on the agenda today. We shall have quality cee-mint pond time, nappage, and day drinkin’ as is our wont. Sup shall be at Sonny’s as they have their St. Louis style ribs on special today only. I shall endeavor to have a day of high sloth, lest Pilot deem me unworthy of slothfulness.

Hippie I am usually up earlyish. Sometimes I might sleep in ‘til seven o’clock in the mornin’, but mostly it’s up by six. I have no idea why. I wake up, have to pee, and then brain decides it wants coffee and there I go.

Now I need more caffeine and feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

I woke around 3:30, and naturally, I couldn’t fall back to sleep. So I read till I decided I should feed the dog… and turn on the sprinkler for my drying veggie patch… and scoop cat poop… and replenish our diet coke supply in the kitchen… and give FCD his morning meds… And it’s barely after 6!!! :wink:

But I did notice when I got out of bed around 5:30 that it was ever-so-barely starting to lighten outside. And it’s no longer light at 9PM - surely autumn approaches. I’ll be glad for cooling weather, but I will miss the long hours of daylight.

Today’s plans include making a spreadsheet of all the circuits/breakers in the school, helping FCD as he needs, making an extension cable for the mess deck ethernet, and some grocery shopping. So busy day ahead. As usual.

Happy Moanday!!

I have a dentist appointment today. I’m excited - I haven’t had a simple cleaning since before I got out of Texas, and I’ve lived in Michigan for … what year is it, 2023? :crazy_face:

Next step will be sorting out my vision coverage, so I can get my peepers updated. I’ve been wearing the same prescription glasses since before I got out of … oh, you know where this is going.

A while back, I managed to finally start the arduous process of requesting my naturalization certificate (it’s “pending” - my other adulting task of the day is to check the request status on the dashboard for their website).

I didn’t mention this earlier, but a few wolves howled at my door for too long without being fed, and slunk away to gather reinforcement. (This is my fancy way of saying a couple of bills went unpaid for so long, they went to collections.) Well, last week I screwed together enough courage to call the biggest two, and set up a payment plan for each. I suck at math, but I think I’ll still be able to make rent etc. next month … (I’m mostly joking.)

So, between taking steps towards being able to get a license again, and having at least some healthcare coverage after lo these many years, and slowly getting my financial shit together, plus eating better (e.g. more) than I have in months, I feel like I’m slowly crawling out of a massive Hole O’Dysfunction.

… and as I type, the trash truck is magically taking away last week’s stinky stuff.

Thanks to my wonky-ass work schedule, Monday mornings have turned into my happy time! (And Saturday afternoons/evenings are UGH.)
So, uh, happy Monday, y’all!

I was up before the sun as well today. Now hanging out at RDU waiting to board in 50 minutes. Our flight was delayed just enough to likely make the connection at O’Hare a stressful sprint to, of course, a different terminal. Yay.

The party for bro and SIL was a rousing success, as was the whole weekend. Got to go to a Durham Bulls game yesterday with my brother, while our wives saw Barbie, then we all had a nice dinner after.

My new grand-niece is absolutely adorable, and she obviously loves her great uncle very much. :grin:

I was awake at 2:30, out of bed at 3:00, and am now sitting at the grocery store near my office waiting for it to open. I have four minutes before it opens the door.

I’ll pick up yogurt, a banana, and some treats for the folks at the office.

Then I will spend the trying not to tear my hair out as I go through all my email.

Have a good one, everyone!

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s currently 19c/66f with a predicted high of 20c/68f, and mostly cloudy. Weather app says “It sure looks like all of the fucking clouds are trying to ratfuck your day.” That would account for the rain this morning then.

I’m usually up early too, I have to be out of the house by 7am on the days I trek to campus which often means getting up around 5.30am to sort myself out, feed and medicate the cats, and make sure the litter trays are clean before I go. I make breakfast and lunch the night before, and take them with me so I’m usually having breakfast around 8.30am once I’ve made it to the office. On my home days, I’m still up early although I don’t log in for work until 8.15am.

Today has been busy already - up early, showered, hair washed and dried, cats sorted…then I had to take our old boy, Shadow, to the vet for a blood test after his recent diagnosis with thyroid problems. He’s also had a runny bum since yesterday so the vet gave me some probiotic paste for him for the next three days. I’m just waiting for them to call back with the blood test results to see if he’s improved since he started the thyroid meds.

Also just attended a union meeting at which we voted 100% in favour of strike action.

Awake at 3:00, conversation and strategizing about medical visits and car repairs until 4:00, drowsed until 5:15. I’d go back to sleep but have a 7:00 errand.

Morning all. Nice to see everyone is so ambitious this Moanday morning. Slept until 6:30am and am waiting until the schools start before driving to the repair shop and dropping off my car…also need to unload it and take the garage door openers with me. Then Uber to the airport and pick up my rental car, then shopping and sammich and swimming and sauna and soccer should round out the day. Whole week is due to be in the high 80’s and low 90’sF with heat indexes over 100F, so all those nicely washed clothes are going to get sweaty again.

boo fae, hope Shadow does better and that a strike isn’t necessary (but maybe it’s the only way–you know best).

Wheelie, good luck on the connection, O’Hare can be a beast to get around in. At least with the number of flights there they should be able to re-schedule you. Glad the weekend went well.

Shoe, happy that life (and budget) are coming under control for you, keep on trucking.

OK, onward into the week. Take care all.

The coffee started on time, and it’s good and hot.

I still had to wait for it though, because it’s a little warm in the house and I couldn’t sleep.

G’morning, kids. It’s 54f with an expected high of 72 today - pretty much perfect. Had a few storms roll through over the weekend. I very much prefer this to August back home.

Haven’t been around much, sorry… Things have been tough. Didn’t get a second interview for that job in Minneapolis. I failed to maintain adequate distance/detachment and got my hopes up, so it hurt quite a bit even though it was always by far the most likely outcome. I still have NDSU Fargo after me, those positions will hopefully be ready by the end of the year. But at this point I just want to go home. Been looking at jobs back in California, but I haven’t been able to muster the wherewithal to tailor my resume and get applications out - especially as I couldn’t afford to relocate again anyway.

In somewhat nicer news, someone I’ve had a crush on for 5+ years (a regular player/sometimes DM in my D&D group) turns out to have been feeling the same way the whole time. We’re in very different life places (and geographic locations) right now so it’s not like we’re gonna ‘get together’ in any substantial sense, but we’ve gone from talking-once-a-week-at-game to talking-every-day, and, you know. Just. Flirty pleasant vibes. It’s been good for my sanity, but also contributes to my general disengagement from reality. Oh well.

Anyway, that’s the news. Love y’all lots.

I was at work at 0330. Which is fine. I had actually been waking up at 0400 on vacation all last week, I guess I’ve gotten used to being a creature of the night. Looks like I didn’t get that FT posotion from before vacation, but there were 2 new ones, so I signed up for them.

If y’all keep showing up in the neighborhood, I’m gonna have to put out coasters or something. Glad it was fun.


Well, sorry you didn’t get the job, but it was Minnesota. :wink: But yay for flirting, and fingers crosed for (non wood chipper)Fargo.

Morning all. I’m just a bagful of blues this morning, so I’m not going harsh your mellow by going into details. Just wanted to say “howdy”.

Hey, guys. Checking in post-Yellowstone. It was a delightful trip and I’m so very glad I took it. We went everywhere and saw what felt like everything, but it was just the tip of the iceberg. You could be in the park a month and not see half of it.

However, things have become more doom and gloom. My mom seemed fine while I was gone with the exception of my sister developing COVID while she was caring for my mom while she was here. Fortunately, both wore masks and it seemed that all was well. Hospice came for a consult and it seems likely that she needs it. Now.

Regardless, mom was in great spirits until yesterday. I needed to go out for several hours, which she encouraged, but while I was out she had what seems to have been a panic attack. She began texting me, asking me where I was, when I was coming back - she was lonely and terrified and needed me NOW. She’d been in bed most of the day and hadn’t had the energy to eat, so as soon as I got there I got her some nutrition shakes and ice cream, she ate and I hung out with her on her bed watching TV, talking and holding hands until she kicked me out of the condo just before she fell asleep.

I’m headed over to work from there this afternoon and will be sleeping there the next few nights when my sister will take over. We’ll be taking turns sleeping there. Mom’s at the point where I genuinely don’t think she should be alone for more than a couple of hours, if that - I’m terrified she’ll doze off and not wake up and if that happens, I want her to do so knowing that someone is nearby. So, that’s where we are. I’m guessing we have a matter of weeks, though having the company may extend that - she seems to have far fewer physical symptoms when other people are there. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I don’t want to draw this out, for her to suffer, but I’m glad she’s reassured when we’re there, and it makes me happy that she’s still able to rattle around by herself, but that won’t be the case for much longer as the cancer spreads.

Oh, it’s grey here, and dull. Cooler than usual for summer, drizzly and gross and seeing the light come later and later in the mornings kinda sucks.

Waiting for FCD to return from the hardware store. I’ve updated the circuit breaker spreadsheet as much as I could without causing work disruption. It will have to wait till the weekend when no one is here. But the end is in sight.

I hope.

Teachers report tomorrow. The fun is about to begin.

Back home after 5.5 weeks away.

No internet at home and tomorrow’s a holiday.

We got really lucky and the service technician is here and has already confirmed the wires are good and says the router is the problem. He’s setting up the new router now.

Haven’t done much else - got milk, etc., showered and napped. After the technician leaves, we’ll start making progress with the great emptying of the suitcases.

I miss Doping on a laptop.

Happy Monday! I spent an hour on the phone with Old Flame, reminiscing about our respective childhoods. It’s always fascinated me that wherever you grew up, people in your age group played the same outdoor games, games learned from older kids. It’s kid culture, passed on from kid to kid, no adults involved. I think there’s less of it today, but it’s still there.

I have to get cash today to pay Clyde, the airport shuttle guy, for bringing my sister on Wednesday. I’ve been busy cleaning out closets and reorganizing. I’ve also laid in supplies and will commence cooking tomorrow. My sister didn’t get the cooking gene, so I need to do some ahead. I always have cornbread for her, as it’s her favorite, but it’s so hot here, I’m going to ask if I can bake it (already mixed and in the pan) in the clubhouse kitchen, where it’s air-conditioned.

Friday looms. I don’t know why I’m dreading this surgery so much, even more than I did the cancer surgery 5 years ago. Maybe it’s because I saw what my sister went through with this same surgery, and I know a little of what cookie is going through. I keep trying to be positive about it, but it’s iffy.

BooFae, fingers crossed for Shadow, and I’m glad the union is unified re: striking.

cookie, I hope whatever you’re going through eases up. You’ve been through enough lately.

shoe, good for you for getting things done! I know some of that stuff was tedious and scary, but you did it! I hope the dental cleaning goes well and that you get a shiny new toothbrush out of the deal. Also, yay for updated specs! You’ll be singing “I Can See Clearly Now” while spotting errant oregano flecks at work.

wordy, that’s one of the things I loved about living near Yellowstone. People think it’s like Disneyland but with geysers instead of rides, but it’s huuuuge and has so much more to it than that. I’m so glad you had a good trip. It’s well-deserved. Hugs and prayers to you as you enter this new phase with your mom. It may be little comfort, but I think you’re doing everything right. When my time comes, I hope my kids can do as well and handle it as well–including the fear and sadness–as you have with your mom.

Afternoon all. Been an…interesting…morning.

Left the car at the shop for the next two weeks (they are due to work on it on the 28th) and after a little work, got an Uber ride to the airport for my rental car (of all the stuff you can do on the phone these days, Uber has been the most useful, IMHO).

Unfortunately Hertz/Dollar/Thrifty all use the same desk and there had been three arriving flights in the past 30 minutes, so had to queue up and wait my turn. Got to the desk and found out since I was ‘local’ that I needed to show my documentation for insurance, and wouldn’t you know just my insurance card wasn’t enough…they needed a “Declaration of Insurance”, so I climbed on the phone and managed to get it sent to my email and opened it, which turned out to be enough. So I am now in a Kia Seltos, a very small SUV which, after driving a Dodge Durango for the last 6 years, will take some getting used to.

Managed to do my shopping and get my Jersey Mike’s #3, and exited just in time for the only rain cloud in the area to park over my head and open fire. So now I’m home and debating when to go swimming.

Niner, sometimes things happen; keep your chin up (as my Dad used to say) and hope that Fargo jobs comes through…California can wait a little while. And good news on the crush front.

doggio, continuing good wishes on getting a full-time position.

Cookie, hang in there, we’ll be around when you’re up to it.

Talkie, Yellowstone is spectacular, no doubt about it. And {{{ }}} for you and your Mom.

Dicey, welcome home. And after nearly 6 weeks, something was likely to have quit working. Take care.

Nellie, if you have any worries about Friday, let us know; we’re here for you (albeit at the end of a keyboard, but still here).

OK, need to round up my swimming suit and towel and head off to the pool. Hopefully some soccer can be coached and practiced later this afternoon, but guessing what the weather is going to do is beyond the realms of understanding.

Take care all.

I got up about 8:30. Wifey is still in bed. :grin: Retirement is good!
I used to get up at 4:30 in the dark to go in to Portland to work and get home about 7:00. Bad!

It’s supposed to be 100f here today, so a slow day. In fact we have a heat advisory for most of the week here.
The only thing I want/need to do today is unload the truck. We went to Maupin yesterday and worked on the house there to try to get it ready to go on the market, and then filled the pickup with stuffs to bring back. By the time we got back we were knackered, so left most things in the truck for later. That’s the way we’ve been working. Clean/sand/paint etc. at the old house, load the pickup, and drive back. Spend the next day unloading and finding places for everything. Rinse/lather*/repeat.

I am sitting at my new, little, computer. My old desktop, which I built myself about 13 years ago, was just too big to fit comfortably in/on either of the two desks we have now, so I opted to get a littler one, a Dell i3020 SFF desktop. I thought about building a new ITX compouter, but I’m not up on that stuff any more. That idea looks more appealing the more I fight with all the crap that comes on a new computer from a vendor, however. But I will survive.

As usual I have read, but not remembered much, so {{{{{Cookie}}}}} and {{{{{Wordy}}}}} and anybody else who needs/wants one.

I’ll try to drop by when I can.


Afternoon. I got back from vacation the other day, and it was lovely. I also got a monitor to connect to my laptop, and it works great.

In the summer I usually sleep very late, getting up at 11 am or later a lot of the time. Probably because I go to sleep at around 2-3 am in the summer. Hey, I know it isn’t great, but it’s just my routine at this point.