[Old] Lets have a healthy breakfast in the MMP

Happy Sunday/Easter/Another Day! Kick backing and relaxing so far this morning. I still need to dye CtE’s hair - after realizing that I didn’t have another cap to use for their hair. However, I do have a lot of plastic wrap so my kid will have a plastic wrapped head while they become purple.

Hubby made pancakes and bacon for breakfast this morning. I love that Hubby is the cook. Because if it was me, we’d end up with underdone pancakes and burned bacon. This is why I make the desserts - those, I know.

The day is going to be pretty relaxed. Along with dyeing CtE’s hair, we’re having ham (which is currently in the crockpot), broccoli and potatoes for an early dinner. Then we’re going to visit Dad and bring him some ham. The kids should be working on school work and helping around the house but honestly, I don’t have the energy to fight them this morning. I really do need to get better organized, though.

That’s about when I would have said, “Prove it.” There should be a record of which labs were requested, and it shouldn’t be up to you to make sure they are doing their jobs right.

That’s always a tough one. Especially since I have a tendency to say that $X is good one time, but the next I’ll think it’s highway robbery.

I’m anxiously awaiting CtE getting their license. We’re hoping for this summer, partly because I do want them to drive themself and BtY to school next year.

That’s a problem we’ve run into as well. I’m actually out finding things to do but Hubby is having difficulty because when something he’s interested in is happening, he’s probably tutoring. We have joined a few geeky meet-up groups though. And I’m trying to make more board gaming friends that I’d feel comfortable inviting over to play board games with.

So bright and beautiful!

I’m generally squeamish, but I think that would be cool as hell to eat a technicolor egg salad. Walks away, considering the possibility

Crossing my fingers for her as well. She looks pretty happy, even with the bandage on her leg.

I don’t usually answer numbers I don’t recognize either, but I get those feelings as well. I’m glad that this was a good call and that you’ve got one less thing to stick in your mind for the rest of the weekend!

Thanks! I’ll have to check them out soonish. I suspect that it will save me money in the long run. And it’s not like the 'Boro is far from this side of town… :smiley:

That just cracked me up far more than it should have.

I never did traditional Polish Easter breakfast. But thinking about babka makes me think that I need to bake some bread soon.

You’re not a fake fish! Neverevereverever! We Pisces need to stick together even when we’re swimming in different directions. (And if you, or anyone else, is curious how my Username came about, I found the thread from 22 years ago where I explained it.

Flyboy, nice looking shelving unit. I had been looking at one like that awhile ago, but I don’t really need one anymore thanks to the layout of my living room.

JtC, Thank you! I honestly chose that color partly because of my eyes. As for the brassiness in the wet pics… I think that was part of what bothered me as well. It just didn’t look right.

VanGo, technically, it’s supposed to be aquamarine, but I think it’s more turquoise. It is what I was going for. And pilot had the right of the eyebrow thing. It’s definitely more “trying to look at the right place, not drop the phone, does this angle look ok, crap I have to hold this for two seconds, what the hell are the kids yelling about now” reaction than anything else.

pilot, yeah, I wasn’t trying to go for subtle this time. I usually go some shade of red that meshes well with my graying brunette locks, but I’m in desperate need for change, so a noticeable difference worked well. I was more upset because all of my hair was supposed to be that color and I didn’t do it right.

red, thanks for the advice. I have a tendency to use a 3 minute leave in conditioner as a general rule every other wash (which is about every other day). I may switch to a spray conditioner instead to see if it makes a difference.

metalmouse, I try for smirking smiles. I don’t do open mouth smiles or laughter when I’m taking pictures because I’m embarrassed by the state of the very few teeth I have left. I will try another, bigger closed mouth smile picture later.

rc, the brand I went with is one I probably won’t use again. (Adore ) Being in the type of bottle it is, I ended up getting color everywhere. This definitely did dry lighter and I’m glad. Thanks for the advice!

doggio, shoe, swampy, oopsie and Dicey, thanks for the compliments! I’m definitely getting more used to it and liking it a bit more as I’m getting used to it.

Since we’ve got a couple hours before the ham is done, I’m going to drag Hubby to the table to play some board games again. Because I’m an addict.