(Old) So you want to be a star in the MMP

My kayak is an Ocean Kayak ‘Drifter’. In this picture from 2001, mine is the white one. It’s the same as the old guy’s blue one. You might notice mine has a rudder.

Well, after 20 years, the cord that extends and retracts the rudder has become stretched and frayed. I haven’t used the rudder in a couple of years. I sent an email to Johnson Outdoors, who owns Ocean Kayak now, and they said they use 550 cord for their rudder retraction/extension cords. I wasn’t sure before, but now I am. I’ve ordered a roll of it from Amazon, and it should get here on my birthday.

Coincidentally, the photo linked above was taken where I live now. I bought the house from my friend with the yellow kayak. That kayak was made in Orange County, CA, and I was living in L.A. My kayak was made in Ferndale, WA, just down the road from Birch Bay. So he ordered his kayak from ‘down here’, and I ordered mine from ‘up there’. I wonder if they passed each other?

Working on being productive today. I don’t know why it’s this way, but whenever someone needs me, I start doing things that need to be done. Not just for whoever needs me, but in general. So far today, I’ve actually eaten all meals, made up several bags of the produce needed for my smoothies to freeze before it all goes bad (and what is the easiest way to get heated ginger off a microplane?), kept on the kids to get dishes done, started a load of laundry and in getting ready to fold another load. Will any of this help Hubby? Probably not, but at least I feel like I’m doing something.

We have possible dates for his flight. We’re just waiting to hear from his sister to make sure that the time frame we’re looking at works.

I am making this Meatball Parmesan for dinner tonight. I found it on the book of faces. for the first try I am making it as written. Next time there will be diced onions, bell peppers and fresh minced garlic added

My father was in the Pacific, a navigator on a bomber. He never talked about his service and did not use V.A. benefits because he felt he wasn’t entitled. So many WWII veterans had PTSD….

A CPAP doesn’t count against the carry ons you are allowed to bring on board, it is considered a medical device, not a personal item.

Here’s from one website, but they all say the same thing:

… Carry it On

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a CPAP machine is not considered carry-on luggage and does not count toward your carry-on quota. You are allowed a carry-on bag, a personal bag such as a purse or briefcase, and your CPAP machine in its traveling case. A medical equipment tag, identifying your machine as a necessary medical device, will help avoid any concerns about your carry-on items should you be asked by a TSA agent or flight attendant.…

I’m really proud of CtE. Without anyone asking, they decided they would make dinner. Hubby is usually the cook but didn’t have the bandwidth to do it. We brainstormed some ideas based on what they can cook and what was in the pantry/thawed in the fridge and decided on their old standby of mac & cheese with kielbasa. If eat shoe leather if it meant a) I don’t have to cook myself and b) they cooked it too be helpful.

They aren’t the only one that I’m proud of. BtY has been helpful too. Everything I’ve asked of him, from emptying the dishwasher to taking out the trash to putting away laundry was done without complaint. The only slight problem he had was when I asked him to put away the laundry. CtE had left out a knife for cutting the kielbasa. BtY hasn’t gotten overt their terror of knives. Usually, he just refuses to say or do anything, just cowers until we figure it it. Today, he didn’t tell me right away, but when I mentioned that they laundry wouldn’t bite, he spoke up with, “It’s not the clothes.” I saw the knife, CtE came and got it and all was well. My kids are stepping up and it makes me feel so good.

Thank you so much! It shouldn’t be hard for us to get a medical tag for him and knowing that they can’t refuse to let him bring it eases my mind a lot.

That isn’t required. If you do want one, you can get it easily on line. If you have a printer, print one. They are pretty generic.

I probably won’t bother when I fly with my CPAP but I’ll be sure to have my name and address attached to the case inside and out. When I fly I’ll be carrying both a CPAP and a portable oxygen concentrator (I use that 24/7), neither of which count against the carry on limits.

If you don’t want to print your own (lots of free printable on line). Here’s a company I have had very good service from with one of their medical device luggage tags:

Great service, they are quick and their prices are always the best to be found. I get both oxygen supplies from them and CPAP supplies.

I can think of worse kitchen smells. :slight_smile:

My Great Uncle Hank was on the beach that day.

I didn’t realize that you had been to Millington as a duty station Mooooooom. My cousin’s daughter’s family is currently stationed there. You are right about Shelby Forest.

Conga-rats on the book sales lily!

Glad you were able to resolve your laptop issue VanGo.

Irked, came home, walked Nelson and et. Such is life. :slight_smile:

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

I was there twice, Oct 73-June 74, then late 82 for a couple of months. It was better the second time as I had a car! The base is kinda in the boonies.

Been a lazy evening. I want ice cream, dammit. Too lazy to go get some.

Howdy Y’all! Quality cee-mint pond time, nappage (as a part of quality cee-mint pond time), and sup have been accomplished. All in all not a bad day. Have I mentioned lately how much I lurve bein’ a retired drain on society? Da yahd is sorely in need of mowage, so may get to that tomorrow whilst OYKW goes to the Pubic Sto’. We shall see.

An uncle on dad’s side was on the beach that day as well. Oh, CupCakes Ft. Benning has been renamed to Fort Moore as of May 11, 2023. Feel free to use this little tidbit the next time you need conversation fodder at a cocktail party.

WetOne you are retired. This means that ice cream can now be a breakfast food without guilt. Heck, splash a little Kahlua on it even. You can get likkered up at breakfast and nobody cares!

RealFish glad hubs will get the chance to go see the ‘rents. Hopefully the rest of y’all will get to as well. Also, yay on the young’uns for steppin’ up today!

Pilot glad you’re feelin’ mostly better today.

VanGo yay on the laptop fix. Hope it holds up.

Taters yay on the great feedback from the meetin’!

Which Confederate officer was Benning? I assume that’s why it was changed. And who was/is Moore? Just curious.

Evening all. Got two trips to the gym in, total of 750 calories pedaled plus 45 minutes of sauna sweating, so of course I blew it all on a Whopper with Cheese and fries. Spent the afternoon watching a couple episodes of Star Trek; Strange New Worlds (episode 1 was so-so, episode 2 was pretty good) on Paramount Plus (hey, got a few free days to use). Tomorrow will be packing and arranging for the Thur-Sun trip up to Knoxville, so not much planned.

I really should water the yard, we haven’t had any meaningful rain in nearly two weeks, but just can’t get motivated to get the hoses attached and the sprinklers deployed. Maybe tomorrow…

Family members weren’t close to Normandy, my dad was running Lend-Lease convoys to Russia via Iran/Persia and his best friend was a bombardier on a B-24. My uncle served in the Battle of the Bulge and never spoke a word about it for 50 years after it. Most men who served in that conflict usually had little to say about it, in my experience.

Real Fish, glad nephew saw the light (in your angry eyes) and is being responsible. Hope Husband-unit can make it a meaningful trip. And don’t most car places find all those ‘other things’ that need to be done? Think you made the right calls. And good on the kids for pitching in.

VanGo, good news on the laptop.

Cookie, sometimes the best thing about retirement is being able to say ‘nah’ when the mood strikes.

Bumba, best wishes if you decide on the ablation. And Yea! on the house signings.

And this is a problem how??

And yeah, 5Guys gives such large portions on the fries it’s like a meal in itself; Burger and Shake should take care of things.

Hippie, happy gorging!!

Cupcake, from Wikipedia:

OK, Burger and fries are happily being assimilated and day is cooling down, so internettin’ and readin’ are my main objectives for the evening. All y’all take care.


My sister and her family lived in Frazier and her kids went to Millington High School.

I do sometimes, but I’m careful to not give the students the idea that this is an entertainment show. It’s really fun to break out a trick a few times!

RealFish, I really wish that I could sing and would gladly trade talents with you!

I hear you about your MIL. We are going back to the States this year so that my kids have a good chance to see my mother who is 88 and not getting any younger.

I’ve always done well with presentations. I guess I love being the center of attention. lol

Flyboy, that’s a nice kayak. I’ve been thinking about getting one!.

Pilot, sounds good and hope you get better soon.

SenWife just left for Tokyo today for a week, leaving the kids and I holding down the fort. Normally I usually do much of the housework / cooking / helping kids with homework and sometimes all of it, depending on her schedule, but having it all for a week does add a burder. I really admire single parents. The kids and I get along really well, but they enjoy having their mom around as well.

When we lived in Taiwan, we happened to go to a school what has an associated sailing club which just happened to be the best in Taiwan. Both my kids sailed OP boats. SenBoy did well enough in a qualifying race to just barely make the Taiwan team for an Asia Cup, for which he managed to not finish last.

Now we live in the sticks in Hokkaido, there aren’t the same options here. The kids want to continue. Unfortuantely, the two options are either an hour’s drive or two hour’s drive away.

My daughter is transitioning to a Laser. Here she is with a more experienced sailor teaching her.


One club prefers O’pen Skiff to OPs so my son may do that.


The other club does has OPs, although there wasn’t so much wind that day.


Unfortanately, the new clubs don’t have the same level of coaches that we had in Taiwan so we’re trying to decide if this is worth the effort.

Damn, Sensei that is beautiful land and water. But damn, it also looks {{shivvers}} cold. Good on ya. Everyone should know how to sail a boat, skin a deer, etc.

As to D-Day:

Lots of veterans recognize they may have problems, but others have it far worse than they do. That was true in 1946, 1986, and still is in 2023. VA has far less resources than it needs; barely 10% of what would take to really care for our veterans as certain political factions like to claim they do.

Offering your share to those in greater need is typical servicemember behavior. Harm may be absolute, but need is relative.

Heaving went OK.There’s apparently a coyote wandering around a quarter mile up the road.
< wonders if coyotes like Frosty Paws >
The usual Mtan to

Yay! They are learning how to feign adulting!

It’s a feature, not a bug

I supose ti depends on how well the kids like sailing.

Whisky-flavored kitchens are the best kind…

truefish hope Hubby & family up north work out OK. Can’t be what we all want, but here’s hoping it isn’t what we all fear.

The house sale should close tomorrow. Then the existing carpet gets torn out and new flooring goes in. We’re scheduled to start moving in earnest on the 20th.

True Fish, glad to hear the kids are doing well.

Metal mouse, The ablation is gonna happen in September.

My father was in the navy in the pacific. He never said a word about it except one time they were showing old news footage from the war and one of those rocket barrage boats came on. He said that’s what he was on during the war. He wouldn’t say any more about it.

My interview with my new Primary Care Physician went well today.
Things are coming together.

Had some more of my dairy free ice cream tonight. I decided I liked it better than yesterday.


Never looked for the spotlight, but occasionally at work I get a little anyway, and I have a lot of fun knowing I can go ‘perform’ then drop back out without repercussions. It’s nice.

We has a family get together with friends in remembrance of my parents on Saturday. It was a hoot! I saw a cousin I hadn’t seen in 30+ years. Lots of friends and good memories.

Flew my daughter and her boyfriend in from Oklahoma. Quick visit. They got to hear the DC sonic boom on Sunday and dash cam video of their reaction aired on my station that night. We were amused.

Today, at work, I got a call from the boyfriend, which never happens - so I was a tad concerned - until he invited me to join him for his proposal to my daughter in a few weeks.

So I already got the plane tickets and I’ll get the hotel and rental car tomorrow. Quick in 'n out for the weekend. My ex (her mom) and her husband will be there too, we’re coordinating with the boyfriend’s mom. Fortunately we’re all drama free so I imagine it will be a lot of fun!

Fuck I’m getting old.