(Old) The Standard(Time) MMP

And… Wifey, RN just tested positive again. She’ll have to cancel her patients. :frowning:

Morning all. Of course, I let last week’s MMP get away from me. I mostly caught up, but was too far behind to offer any meaningful responses.

Got my marching orders for Plano TX. I’ll be leaving on Sunday the 12th and coming home Wednesday the 22nd. While I’m not terribly thrilled to be flying on the day before Thanksgiving, I’m happy for the work.

And, they want me for a two-week job in December as well. So things are definitely picking up!

Meanwhile, Mrs W, who doesn’t always pay close attention to such things, realized a while back that her company had continued to withhold California state taxes from her paycheck after we moved. (Nevada does not have a state income tax.) After that got fixed, we figured we’d just get a nice refund next year when we file. Instead, last week the company sent her all the mistakenly withheld money! It was… quite a bit. And very helpful right now.

As for the time change, my sleep schedule was all messed up anyway, as I’d just spent 2-1/2 weeks getting up super early two time zones away. Mrs W tends to get dramatic; last night she was all “Oh my god, I can’t believe how dark it is already!” And I’m like <shrug>.

I’ll try to keep up better this week. Happy Moonday!

Safe travels, metalmouse!

Thank you so much! I texted him instead of calling this morning because of he’s sleeping, I don’t want to wake him. If I don’t hear from him in a couple hours, I’ll call.

Thank you! :blush:

Yeah, I had the same worries. I’m my case, it helped that the local poly group was the one that started the game so I knew I had at least 2 things in common with them. :laughing:

I’ve been luckily. I met Hubby here and my new partner on a FB poly group. This is lucky because, honestly, I have no idea how to date. :grimacing:

I’ve got the same issue with the new bedroom clock. I love the larger numbers, but I’m also glad I have a sleep mask.

Safe travels, metal mouse. Have a good time!

Thank you, pilot. It really means a lot to know i hands people behind me. Knowing that my dad doesn’t agree with her helps a lot too.

Don’t do it! Putting on pants is always a trap!

(Ok, ok… kitty litter and the dispo are important. But still… pants. shudder)

Well crap. I hope you both kick it to the curb soon- like. I’d hanging around far too long!

Yay for unexpected monies coming at the right time!

CtY is trying to keep panic at bay. Steven Crowder leaked the manifesto of the Nashville school shooter.. As CtY is gender-fluid trending more toward female, so the fact that the shooter was part of the trans community is feeding the anti-trans sentiment has them worried more about their safety than they should have to. Hubby and I have been trying to reassure them that right now, this is not something they need to worry about and that we will do everything in our power to protect them. I can’t say I blame them for their fear, as it’s a fear I share. But I’m trying to be strong for them because that’s what moms are for.

Mrs W took a Sharpie to ours and marked over the display. The numbers are still perfectly readable, just less blindingly bright.

Read the manual. There may well be an adjustment for that buried 4 layers deep in the settings menu.

I skimmed this as being about a Roomba and colonoscopy, and had a moment of sheer :open_mouth:

That’s pathetic. Shameful.

Ha! You absolutely do.

What happens if you say, “Alexa, will you miss me when I’m gone?”

(I just tried it with my Google Home and got :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:results!)

Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.

No kidding!? I lived there for years. It’s … definitely NOT a podunk backwater, at least in terms of things like restaurant options.

Oh, sweet merciful zombie jeebus. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Nice. :slight_smile:

Pretty sure my direct deposit clears on Tuesdays, so other than retrieving my trash bin, I have no other out-of-house plans. Today may, indeed, end up a Pants Free Day ™ and I am all for that!

And no, I haven’t bestirred myself to even slap on a bathrobe and get the bin in my slippers (yes, I’m that person in the neighborhood) because after posting that I would do so, I rolled over and went the hell back to sleep.

I mean, I still will do so. Just … later.

That’s a really sucky reality.

Just a random idea, but would a self-defense class help?
I took one once and - although I’ve never had to use what I learned - it was empowering to know that I could, e.g. that I knew better what to do and how to keep myself safe(r).
Certainly a confidence boost, in addition to the practical knowledge.

Simple and virtually free. My kinda solution.

Okay, my dad just texted that he’s home from P.T. so imma call him up.
Cheers from western Mitten State, y’all!

Started Typing: 1:03 PM ET
Clicked Reply: 1:21 PM ET

I knew I was behind on my volunteer-related emails/recordkeeping, but I didn’t realize how behind: I’ve just spent the last 5 hours getting caught up! :open_mouth: Now suddenly it’s after 1pm and Bailey’s vet appointment is in a little more than an hour and I need to eat some lunch. I’m glad I finally had the time to focus on this stuff, though.

I’ll probably skip the mall today: the impetus was to get a nice dress coat for Thursday’s funeral, but the forecast is 75°F and mostly sunny! So now I’m leaning toward waiting until later in the winter for the coat. I could always go on Wednesday if I change my mind.

Here’s the tree I put together yesterday:

It’s 1’ tall; I like how it turned out.

Time for lunch, then taking the doggy to her injection. It should be a quick appointment, then I’ll have nothing to do until 5pm when I’ll go help set up the polling place – 3 blocks away – for tomorrow’s election.


Awww, you guys can’t catch a break…sorry. :frowning:

It’s not that big a deal - I don’t sleep in the kitchen. :wink:

I’ll have to download it first. All GE provided were installation instructions. No biggie anyway. Like I said, I don’t sleep in there.

Back from running about. We got Higgs’ meds refilled , then went to the Hyundai dealer because FCD wanted to sit in the Santa Cruz. Nice vehicle, and of course, he prefers the top trim to the basic model. But he resisted the urge to test drive it - at least for now. I sat in a new Elantra and was surprised that it’s almost as roomy as my Sonata. The salesdude said it is, in fact, bigger than previous year models. But until I hear from Paul, I’m not giving my heart to any car.

Next stop was lunch, followed by a quick stop at Aldi, then to CVS for our meds. (Three refills for us totaled $3. Two refills for the dog came to $100. What’s wrong with this picture???) OK, so the dog doesn’t have insurance… As we were pulling into our neighborhood, BIL called. He said he took another handful of his seizure pills because he doesn’t want to live any more. So FCD dropped me off and immediately left to deal with that mess. Meanwhile, his bro in TX wasn’t expected to make it thru the night, but we haven’t heard anything from that front.

I feel so sorry for my MIL, dealing with her youngest son and all this crap. She’s just withering - I don’t see her living much longer. Frankly, I almost hope the youngest bro succeeds - one less recurring pain in the ass.

OK, that’s out of my system. Feel free not to read it… ooops, too late.

I still haven’t dusted, but I guess I no longer have an excuse to ignore it. Dammit.

In Atlanta waiting for the Miami flight in a couple of hours. Plane was completely full, they were offering $1000 to take a later flight, but they didn’t have a good connection. At least I remember my books and the Sunday NY Times so it should not be a tough wait.

Have read all but still not sure about typing on this contraption, so all y’all take care.

Paul just called - I had 2 leaking fuel injectors, plus he recommends replacing the valve cover gasket. It’s less than $2K to repair, but the injectors have to come from California, so it’ll be Firday before I get my car back. Dammit. However, I think it’s worth it to fix it, and the tires will wait a bit longer. I drive barely 100 miles a week anyway, so I’m not too worried about them.

However, I need to go over there and get the car seat so I can take Tobias home this week. Gonna see if Daughter minds me driving him in the truck - I really don’t want to have to climb into the back seat of the Caddy to strap the kid in his seat. The alternative is to swap cars with her for 3 days. So we shall see what she says.

And BIL in TX just died. FCD is bringing his mom over here. No clue what’s going with BIL here.

I need to get something started for supper…

oh my, i’m sorry to read this. i wish you all strength, peace, and comfort.

I’m so sorry, FCM. It’s way too much for both FCD and his mom to deal with on top of everything else.

This will be heartless, but … he’s coherent enough to make a call & speak about his wishes?

This is nothing but drama/cry for help. Nobody wants to die & then calls around specifying what they just did.

That’s a lot. Like, a LOT a lot. Is there a grief counselor available in your area? They can help process things, make sense of what seems unthinkable, and provide practical support.

Back from the store. Got all the essentials: ice cream, chips, dip, and other stuff not worth mentioning. Ready for the T-wolves/Boston game tonight.

Ouch and major league hugs to all.

In another thread here recently someone mentioned a widow(er)s online support group they once belonged to. Which group had a sub-section called “Ambivalent Grief” for the folks whose spouse’s death was both a tragedy and a relief. Maybe the dead spouse was an addict, or an abuser, or a philanderer, or was just a decent person who’d suffered too much and was making life hell for all around them as their own life slipped away.

Sounds like you and FCD both have some ambivalent grief starting right now, and perhaps lots more soon w other BIL & MIL in their turns.

The ambivalence doesn’t make it less grief-ful, but it does make it more guilt-ridden. Or at least much more internally inconsistent and dynamic. You’ll both be bouncing around quite a bit inside. Be easy on yourselves. Both emotionally and logistically.

Howdy Y’all! Been a slothful, as is our wont, day here. We sat out beside the cee-mint pond whilst sippin’ on bourbon ‘n ginger ale since it was N.O.S. and warm out today. Sup got cooked and et and the kitchen cleanded up. Netflix and chill comin’ up.

MOOOOOOM sorry about BIL’s death. Even expected it’s tough when it happens. Hope things are relatively OK with the other BIL. Hope MIL comes through it all as OK as possible. Ouch on the car repairs, even though it is somewhat better than new car shoppin’.

Wheelie yay for unexpected cash and for some steady irk.

shoe what doggio said is where the trout comes from. The chitlins are because bein’ slapped with wet chitlins is funnier than bein’ slapped with wet noodles. The how you doin’ is just in case anybody needs bein’ flirted with.

Oh, *mooooommmmm, I’m so sorry that you are all having to go through this right now. I wish I had more than hugs to give, but you’ve got all that I can spare. {{{FCM, FCD and MIL}}}

I hope it stayed that way for you. I was hoping for the same but CtE wanted me to come to the school to hug them. I’m kinda glad I did, because I was able to talk them into going to their last class.

They actually took karate for about 5 years. They stopped when Sensei started focusing more on sparring. Every once in awhile, I still drill them to make sure they remember what to do if they do get in a situation. Their form may not be perfect, but they’ve still got power.

:open_mouth: is right! Then again, that’s regularly the case for me with emails in general because I hate dealing with them.