Alright, I’ll start the official thread for the Springfield meeting, since no one else wants to do it. I didn’t take any notes, so I have to rely on some foggy recollections until ChrisCTP can add whatever she has in her notes.
Alphagene and I arrived on Friday night and met up with Chris, boli, Falcon, Flypside, and Chris’s friend Terry. There was drinking, there was teasing, there was “Hawaii 5-0.” Chris and Terry kicked us out of their hotel room around 2:30 in the morning so that they could get some sleep.
The next afternoon I went to the Lincoln home with DavidB, Gaudere, and Inertia. Those Great Debate types really know how to have a good time
When we got back to the hotel, Auraseer, Joph, and TaleraRis had already arrived. Unclebeer and GLWasteful got there while we were standing in the lobby talking. I was so happy that I got a chance to yell, “Hey Unclebeer!” across a hotel lobby.
After everyone was checked in, it was just about time to leave for the restaurant/bar place for the meeting. We were joined by Rastahomie and Mrs. Rastahomie, and Elelle and her husband. It was a huge group, and the seating arrangements were pretty bad. Luckily our waitress was SOOOOOO attentive that it only took us 17 years or so to get our food. Terry bought us all several rounds of drinks, so she’s officially the coolest person there Well, that and she laughed at my jokes.
After dinner, most of us concentrated on drinking. Some people danced, some played video games (although Alphagene didn’t get a chance to virtually bass fish and was VERY disappointed), but mostly we all talked and drank and smoked in non-smoking areas.
We left the bar after about 6 hours, and most of us went back to Chris and Terry’s suite to continue socializing. I’ll let the photographic evidence speak for most of what went on there, but I think I owe Unclebeer a dollar. The hotel security only had to come up twice and ask us to keep it down. The party broke up… I don’t know, late. I didn’t end up getting to sleep until 5 or 6 am, that’s all I know.
The next morning, some people evidently got up for brunch. We got there after a lot of people had already left, but DavidB, Gaudere, Inertiacakes, Flyp, Omni and Boli were still there, so we ate and tried to piece together the events of the previous night.
Sadly, it had to break up sometime, so we all left Springfield around 3pm. Thanks to Flyp and DavidB for being such great hosts. I can’t wait for the next gathering
“I’ll tell you a secret, baby - maybe you can’t do better - gotta settle for second best” - the Judybats