So the single is on the modern rock station here all the time, my friend got a sampler tape (like 20 seconds of 6 songs, it’s a big silly) and the cool record store in town is having a release party on midnight of the 15th. I know we have a lot of Weezer fans here, has anyone heard the whole thing?
That new song “Hash Pipe” is sooooooooo good… I even have their b-side and a couple of live tracks…Albums too of course :)…CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEW ALBUM TO COME OUT!!
Goddamn you half-Japanese girls…Do it to me every time…
Oh, the redhead said you shred the cello…And I’m jello, baby
I went to High School with Brian Bell, the guitarist for Weezer. He was a Senior when I was a Freshman so, I didn’t know him well. He always seemed cool, kind of out there, though. He looks nothing like he did back then. Then he was big into the skate/metal scene, long hair and Chuck Taylors.
One of the DJs on a local radio station was talking about it recently and this guy generally has pretty reliable info about stuff like that. I could be wrong, take what I said as rumor.
Spin came out with the latest issue featuring a multipage article about Weezer and I’ve had to hide it from half my friends so I don’t find it ripped to shreds with the exception of them taking hostage of the article in pristine condition. Let’s just say a great many of my friends love Weezer a teensy bit more than I do. I’m an avid fan and looking forward to this album. I haven’t been listening to the radio lately, so I have no clue if they’re playing it down here or not.
The Rolling Stone article I found online earlier today says the same thing, two extra songs on the Japanese CD, one on the UK. Bah. So you wanna pick me up an import, reoch?
I heard this album sucks, but I haven’t heard any of the tracks yet, so I’m keeping an open mind, as I love weezer. Please god, let the rumors not be true…
The 15th, eh? That’s the day Tool’s new album comes out in the U.S., too. Gonna be a quality trip to the record store that day. I am rubbing my hands together in joyful anticipation even now.
The new one is supposed to be more like the first. They even got rick ocasek to produce it. Weezer wanted to produce it themselves but the record company apparently said no. I for one loved pinkerton because it had a lot more depth to it, though I think the self titled album was awesome too. I saw them about a month ago and it was an incredible show. Mostly stuff from the first album, about three songs from pinkerton and about 3 new ones, all gems. I cant wait for the 15th!
For those interested, cake’s new album is due out soon too!
Downloaded their new one off of Napster. If only just to hear the freaking thing. The so-called modern rock station here won’t play a band unless they’re some watered down Dave Mathews clone (ZZZzzzzz).
I’m most anxious for this one as well.
And personally, I don’t wanna be a lone man anymore. Been a year or two since I was out on the floor. Shakin’ booty, makin sweet love all the night. I wanna go back to the good life. I wanna go back, yeah.
Pinkerton’s not as imediately accessable as the first, but it’s a great album.