Oh GRRRRRRRrrrr!! The Post Office!
I remember one phone call I had with them (and this was after several years of really bad service).
I’d lived at this apartment for about two years, and was continually getting mail from 3 or 4 different people whom I’d never heard of, (my daughter and her boyfriend had lived there for about a year prior to me taking over the lease and this mail wasn’t addressed to them either). And I was continually “returning it to sender” and “not correct address’ing” them too.
I got on the phone and told the floor supervisor in charge of “my” area of town that I wanted the mail to NOT go into my box.
She said, "bundle all the mail together (about 30 pieces I’d been saving up), and write “not the correct address, return to sender” on the top piece of mail.
About three days later, the 29 bottom pieces arrived back in my mailbox.
I called and asked for whoever is in charge of the people that send out mail, or deliver it, or whatever.
After I got her on the phone, I told her that I wanted them to ONLY put my mail in the box, no one else’s. That I was the only person at that address.
Her answer? “I’m sorry ma’am, we can’t do that, that would be violating the privacy act for the other people recieving mail at that box number”.
Oh. My. GOD. I just saw red. “WHAT??? You mean to tell me, that even though it’s my box, I can’t keep strangers’ mail from getting put into it?”
“Yes ma’am, it’s against the privacy act”. Well, I took a deep breath, and asked for HER supervisor, and explained to him, what this other person had told me.
He said that she didn’t know what she was talking about, and that all I had to do was request that ONLY mail bearing my name was to be put into the box, and then to make sure that my full name was on the outside.
Another battle ensued. I’m a single female, I am NOT advertising that fact by putting my full name on the outside of a mailbox that is out in public view.
After some argument, he agreed that “Jones, Apartment XYZ” was sufficient.
Did it work? Oh hell no. The same mail addressed to the same 3 or 4 strangers (and they got a LOT of mail) kept coming to my teensy little post office box.
This has occurred at every place I’ve lived.
Why on EARTH do they have us fill out those annoying change of address forms, if they’re NOT going to use them?
Oh, I know, I know, that’s not what those are really for (and why ever NOT, I’d like to know).
At any rate, IME? Most of them, at least up here, ARE drooling idiots, the smart ones leave.