Opinions on women's hair?

You look great in all of the pictures. Honestly, I think you would look good with really short hair: something with a lot of lift, or even a nicely done crew cut.

I’ll echo what you said: if it looks good and the person likes it, it’s fine with me. I guess that I might long hair better than short hair (can I add another qualifier in there somewhere?), but it isn’t that big of an issue. After all, it’s all about how you want to look, isn’t it?

Just out of curiousity, how does one straighten their hair?

Does it damage curly hair?

You’re a pretty lady Harimad-sol. I like the shorter hair on you better. I like short hair in general on women. It seems to accentuate the face more to me and for some reason I find necks attractive. It’s like getting another pretty part of woman to see. “Older” women also tend to look younger with a shorter cut. I also like darker hair. Maybe a darker color and “spikier” style as mentioned by other posters.

[Napoleon Dynamit]
An iron, duh!

Well, there is the flat iron option, which isn’t permanent, or straightening solutions, which, like perms, have to be grown out.

Both cuts look good on you, Harimad-sol. You have a good shaped face. Long hair might be easier for me, but short hair is easier to dye. Try blue? Or just some blue streaks? :slight_smile:

I think it depends on many things. First, I’d say that most guys probably prefer long hair on women, and this probably becomes more the rule as you go down the age scale (of the guys, not the girls). I remember a lot of college-age women were bobbing or perming their hair in the late 1970s, and you’d always hear guys saying something like, “awwww…she cut it”. It was not considered a good thing. Judgemental, I know, but that’s just the way it was.

Aside from that, I think long hair does look better on certain women. IMO a strapping athletic type of woman, like someone who does the high-dive or is on the crew team, definitely looks better in long hair, because it provides a softening contrast.

I do like the idea of blue, or perhaps purple, but as I said, it might be bad for job interviews. I could get some non-permanent dye and try it out, though.

Not this guy. My lady looks better with long hair, but 90% of the time I like women with short. I think that when I was a teenager and starting to notice “ze girls”, the bob was in fashion, and that has stuck with me. A straight, sharply cut-off bob that flicks around over the shoulders as she turns her head will leave me weak at the knees. It is feminine and kick-arse strong at the same time. If said bob is glossy, jet black, and east Asian, then all the better. :cool:

What do you mean, flat iron? A real iron? Or am I being whooooooooshed?

Flat irons. :slight_smile:

My mom used to iron her hair in the 70’s - with a real, honest to goodness iron. However, they have “irons” that are made for actual hair now. My old roommate, who had hair similar to yours, used to blow hers out using a very large round brush, a lot of styling product, and a good hour and half to two hours of time. She didn’t do it very often, but it wasnt’ damaging and looked really cool b/c her hair still had some wave to it, like in shampoo commercials. Also, it looked a lot longer b/c the hair was stretched out.

Heh. I thought you meant “Flat Irons” http://www.philarmitage.net/boulder/boulder30.html

I think your hair looks great!.. and I love the bra hanging on the doorknob? (hook?)! When I saw that in the background of the picture, I laughed out loud and looked at my bathroom door behind me to see the same thing. Bras on doorknobs must be a universal thing. :smiley:

Oh, and I forgot to mention: You’re very pretty, and I like your hair short… it’s cute*!

    • “Cute” from me is a major compliment, but many people think it’s condescending or silly. I love cute, cute is great! Just to clarify, “cute” is my “oooooh pretty!”

Heh. I forgot to take it off the door handle before I snapped the picture. I was feeling so relieved that no one seemed to notice, until now. :smiley: At least someone is taking notice of my undergarments.

Thanks, folks!

I opened this thread in the hopes that I could once again proclaim my love of short hair on women! 'Tis a truly lovely thing. I looked at the picture and I think your hair is great!

For the record, bras on doorknobs are sexy, too. :wink:

I think there’s a difference between your SO and women you just notice on the street. My wife recently had her hair cut in a sort of straight and loose bob and it does look smashing, but when looking at an actress in a movie or just someone walking along the street, I’m more apt to be drawn in to look by long hair.

It just says, “spontaneous sexy forgetful woman who can’t manage to put away her laundry,” doesn’t it?

So, I’ve had my hair long, short and in between for the last 30+ years. And NOW my husband, whom I’ve been with since 1972, finally tells me he likes my hair long!!! :smack: It’s not like we don’t talk, but what was he waiting for, my wake!!! It’s longer than it’s been in probably 30 years for a combo or reasons, but if he had said anything in the past 30+ years, for Og’s sake!!!