Short hair on slim women = sexy

When going for mooches, I don’t like pawing through a mane to get to the good stuff. I hate long hairs in my mouth. IMHO, short hair style really accents a woman’s sexiness – especially if she is on the slim side.

It also cuts down on their “preparation” time for going out. And doesn’t get in the way during naked pillow fights.

Just my thoughts.

Geesh…knocked out again…I’ll never win…my hair is past my shoulders…

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

I think it really depends on the person, I have seen many a slim women look siully with short hair, and I have seen other look ravishing.

I have also seen short hair looking good on mor avarage to large sized women.

I think it has more to do with cheekbones than anything.

She caught your eye like one of those pointy hook latches that used to dangle from screen doors and would fly up whenever you banged the door open again.

I used to keep my hair short because thats how my ex liked it. He thought that because I was short, long hair made me look frumpy. I like long hair and since I have slimmed out so much in the past few months, I think it looks even better on me. Right now its just past my shoulders. I love it cuz I can wear it up, down, however I want. Generally if Im slacking, I wear it in a pony tail with a ball cap. What can I say, Im a glamour queen :wink:

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

My baby’s hot no matter how she wears her hair. Anyway, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. :wink:

“Petite” women with short hair… hoo boy what a turn on! In my english class this quarter there about about 6 girls with this style and I can hardly contain myself! Which one to go for first? So many hotties, so little time!

“People must think it must be fun to be a super genuis,
But they don’t realize how hard it is
to put up with all the idiots in the world.”
– Calvin and Hobbes


But doesn’t short hair hurt the plumping up of the hair before the sex act??

What do you mean you like her to get her hair messy??? Next thing you’ll say you actually LIKE the way she smells!

Whoa! Sorry Serlin moment!

Lack of charisma can be fatal

Lol, and make sure not to chip her nails Frankie!

The greater your dreams, the more terrible your nightmares.

Mine is my unfinished canvas. I get bored easily, so I am forever changing it. The color and the cut. I like it just long enough to put up in a ponytail when I don’t want to mess with it, and short enough that it doesn’t take hours to dry. Not sure if my SO has a preference, he seems to find his way past it without much trouble.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

Short hair and a clean shave on a man…very nice, but, those long week-ends when he goes without the razor… aaahhhhh, that true man comes out. Love!! that look honey.

Girlbysea (AKA: ChiefScott’s GBS)

Oh, man. I just started growing my hair out for the first time in 15 years and now you spring this on me! (Of course, I’d need to hear the parameters for “petite.” I’m sure I qualified in high school, but have added a few pounds to my petite frame.)

“I’m the luckiest man in the world, now that Lou Gehrig is dead.” Homer Simpson

GBS got a hair cut yesterday! Whoo-hoo!

(Well, actually she got them all cut.)

Wooooohoo! You would have loved me about 9 years ago!! Velvet fuzz at its longest :smiley:
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Teeming Millions:
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t

“Any excuse to post a divine picture of myself,” thinks Opal. :slight_smile: