Ottadope - BeaverTails, ESD Poutine, Winterlude?

:dubious: I see you’ve read some of my other posts.

Sorry, they’re still new. And my bf isn’t done with them yet. :wink:

March 1st sounds good to me. I’ll need to get my skates sharpened if we’re gonna skate…it’s been a hella long time since I’ve put them on. Lookin forward to the Dopawa!

THEY’RE STILL NEW?? Hmm… I haven’t been following your posts, but I think I will! heh. :wink:

Any other ideas/suggestions? If not I can start on a tentative itinerary… if there is anyone from out of town that needs a place to say, speak up so that we can arrange things…

OK… So I have read a couple other posts since I was intruiged, and apparently you are left handed like me :wink:

Ohh… you meant the boob thing? Well… I mean… that isn’t what I had meant… but… can I see? Please? :wink: j/k

Anyway, congrats since you seem happier :slight_smile: Hijack over.

After hearing everyone talk about it, I’m ashamed to admit that after living here for a year I’ve never had ESD poutine :eek:

If anyone wants a sooner meet, Friday and Saturday are nearly outta the question. Debating tournament on Friday 4-8 and Saturday 9-5. Wish me luck :slight_smile:

d12 are you saying that Sat March 1 is the debate date? In either case, good luck!

Don’t forget, the best way to refute anarguement is to say loudly and emphatically “NUH UH!!!”

:frowning: Report from the Canal :frowning:

As of Monday night the canal has been closed to all skating activites (Well at least the part by Carlton U is)

Hopefully it will be back up and frozen for the Ottadope!

Cheers All!

Ok, so there’s interest in this. But how many people are coming? Should we set up schedules now or something? I’m excited!

I’ve never done one of these before, so I don’t know what the regular thing is for planning these

I can try and take care of that. I don’t mind the leg work. What I would like is for people to email me to let me know they are coming, where they aer coming from, if they are driving, if they need places to stay, if they are OFFERING accomodations for out of towners, and their availibility for March 1st.

Also, any suggestions you have about activities, please post them here so that plans can be made. Finally, when you email me to let me know you ar coming if it isn’t too personal let me know if you would rather not do things that cost money (museums, go karting, out for dinner, or whatnot). I can try and cater to the means of all.

Now, that said: post post post post!

What’s the DEAL? Anything for sure yet?

I won’t be within 2000 miles unfortunately, but if you Ottadopers don’t include a Shawarma on your list of to-do’s, then there’s something very, very wrong.

LD and all others:

I do not mind organizing things, but to date only ONE person has said for sure that they were in…

Let me know… that is all I ask! :slight_smile:

On the first of March, which is a Saturday, right?

lno and I should be good to do stuffs, yes.

Count us in. CuriousCanuck, email me - my email addy is in my profile. I may be able to help you with some planning. I’m back in town on the 17th - we can perhaps get together over lunch/coffee and plot. :slight_smile:

Woofs from the pooches.


The date is fast approaching…

What’s up?

Ok I just found out about this; Um…so…I’m in! I can also put someone up in my house, we live in Sandy Hill which is close to downtown. I’ll have to ask the husband first though. (About using the room, not about going to Ottadope.)

Mmmmm poutine Excuse me, there’s something I need to do!

OK… this is shaping up nicely! :slight_smile: Stay tuned to this station and I promise that by Friday some hard facts will be available! :slight_smile:

Cheers all!

Well, I don’t know what everybody else’s schedule is, but Friday the 28th I’ll be in Ottawa. I will spend my evening at the Cajun Attic (my brother’s band is playing there).

Well detop stay over night. Elenfair, ladydisco and I are getting together for lunch today to talk about next Saturday and plans and whatnot. More info to come!

Saturday the first will be a dope to remember… or not depending on how much one drinks :wink:

Well, looks like he’s not coming sniffle, pout, sadness

nevertheless, if someone were to give me a lift, I could come up to Ottawa. offers?

well the bus like $50 R/T i think…