2nd Annual Winterlude OttawaDopeFest

Winterlude starts Today!!! and runs for the next 3 weekends.

If a Winterlude dopefest is going to happen we had better get organized!

Since I am creating the thread I get to propose the plan:

How does Sunday Feb 9th work?

2pm - Dows Lake meetup to skate canal
3pm - Ice Sculpture meetup
4pm - Darcy McGee (Sparks Street) Meetup

I have talked to a couple of other past attendees and they seem to have more free time. My February is crazy!!! Feel free to let us know your possible dates and we can pick one when the most people can attend.

Either post in the thread or PM me directly and we will make sure that we share our secret meetup bat signal :D.
Darcy McGee will have reservations under the name of Cecil so approximate numbers are needed.

Hmm, if it’s on the 9th, it may work for me, but be warned: I cannot skate at all.

No problem. You can meet us at the ice sculptures or at the pub. That’s why different times are proposed. After all, we wouldn’t want you to hit your head. :smiley:

Proposed date and time works for me.

One of these times I’ll make an Ottawa DopeFest, but unfortunately this won’t be it. I’m housebound on that weekend.

DH and I will join the party at either the ice sculptures or D’Arcy’s!

What’s the turnout look like for this so far?

Aw, sorry, I now have an appointment on the 9th. But if we have another DopeFest around the Tulip Festival time, I might be able to make it.

In case anyone else was planning on showing up, we are postponing due to a nasty bug that we all seem to have a variation on.

Get well soon Ottawadopers!