In an IMHO thread, Bratman - er, boo-boo, said this:
"Ok, to show that I’m not really that upset (although somewhat embarassed) about little_tiger spilling her pet name for me on the SDMB, I’ll change my name if this thread gets 150 posts from different posters wanting me to change it (I’m not counting if one person posts here 20 times, and I’m not counting my own posts, or little_tiger’s). You can also choose one of the following:
Boo-Boo 007
Boo-Boo Brat
or suggest your own.
I’m not announcing this anywhere else, so it’s up to you people who want me to change my name to get the word out.
So far: Talkinsquirrel, Nika, Odieman, Tengu, chrisbar, GaWd, JimmyNipples, ChiefScott (said he didn’t care, but I’ll give you this one anyway), tatertot, Monster104, yojimbo, Smeghead, Ayesha, lolagranola, Doug Bowe, Catrandom, iampunha, dpr, mega the roo, and Falcon have all posted.
That makes 20. Only 130 more to go."
I can’t even begin to say how hilarious this is to me. Instead let’s list all the possibilities suggested.
- I suggested boo-boo-bratsheep.
- Doug Bowe suggested Boo Boo Bridegroom
- Monster104 suggested Boo Boo Bratman
- JimmyNipples suggested Sweet Boo Boo
- GaWd suggested Boo-Boo Brat_man
- little*bit suggested cutestpatootiest little bear
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and tell them I sent you!