Out There Sequels you think Could Work

The Day The Earth Stopped Standing Still: Earth goes along with these aliens long enough to join, fool them and figure out a way to subvert all the Gorts to their will…then they conquer the aliens who shamed them all those years ago.

I cannot take credit for this—it was another poster in another thread—but, The Return of Barry Lyndon. It would have to be awesome, though.

There was a radio play version of Metropolis I heard on the BBC World Service many years ago that was outstanding, combining elements of the original film with an updated modern capitalist dystopia, a subverted resistance organisation and a main character that, like the original, has a journey across all social strata. The ending is…rather dark.

It could easily be adapted into a film, although it too would leave an awful mess. But that’s why we have trilogies!

The One-legged Dueling Maniac strikes again!

I swear – if that film were your only window into 18th century Europe, you’d think that the prime occupation of the upper classes (and the lower, for that matter) was dueling.

Maybe a new Dr. Phibes film?? I mean if there are a hundred Saw films…

I want a sequel to The Lone Ranger, with Armie Hammer playing the Green Hornet, and Johnny Depp playing Kato. (Perhaps we could re-name the character “Kaelin” :slight_smile: )

Talk about two big stars you could probably get for dirt cheap now.

And I think Depp would really quite like not to be associated with that role anymore. He certainly is unlikely to take on a yellowface role…

Not yellowface.


Either way, it’s bad.

One of the very few decent things about the Seth Rogan film was that it made it clear how much Kato - and the actor who played him in both incarnations - was the real talent in the duo. Depp stepping into Bruce Lee’s shoes would be bad enough; stepping into Lee’s and Jay Chou’s would be even worse.

All in all, Charlie Chan should make a comeback. There was real Honolulu Police detective who (sort of) inspired the novels and the very-racist movies. I could see a reboot that would have wide appeal around the world.

I could see this. Just like HBO rebooting Perry Mason recently.

They’ve never had an actor of Asian ancestry play Charlie Chan. Or Mr. Moto (another 1930s detective who made the transition to films, where he was payed by Peter Lorre). But, in a very rare case, a third Asian detective character in the 1930s movies was.

James Lee Wong, usually called “Mister Wong”, was a Chinese-American detective who appeared in mystery stories written by Hugh Wiley and published in Colliers’ magazine. He was a Treasury Agent and lives in San Francisco. Monogram Pictures, the poverty-row motion picture company, apparently wanted their own Chinese sleuth, so they made five films using the character, portrayed by the unlikely Boris Karloff (who had already done yellowface, having played Fu Manchu in The Mask of Fu Manchu in 1932).
For their sixth film, though, they got Keye Luke, already famous for playing Charlie Cahan’s “number one son” in the movies. There were supposed to be a continuing series of Mr. Wong films starring Luke, but either the audience or the powers that be at Monogram decided that American audiences wouldn’t go for a Chinese-American leading man, and they only made one picture with him.

Chan has a lot going for him. Exotic location, an appeal to the Asian market, Honolulu also has some rather colorful crooks.

(The real Chan was a cowboy and came up through the Humane Society. Somehow he worked that into a gig with the HPD. Known as a master of disguise, he generally did not carry a gun. He preferred a bullwhip.)

I think Kurt Russell has just enough juice left to do “Escape from Earth”

Edit: I see that actually was almost a thing.

The proposed 21 Jump Street/Men in Black crossover sequel could have been interesting.

Taxi Driver 2: Death To Uber

“Are you tweeting at ME?!!

I assume that’s a whoosh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

For those not familiar, Final Fantasies IV, VII, and X already have sequels. VIII probably wouldn’t be all that interesting, as it’s one of the least memorable Final Fantasies from the first 10. IMHO FF VI would probably work better with a prequel rather than a sequel.

If the sequel to Final Fantasy 7 isn’t Final Fantasy 8 then it damn well ought to be.

And you really shouldn’t have any sequels to something called Final Fantasy.

It confused me at first, too. In essence, each of the “main” Final Fantasy games (i.e., those with a single number after the name) is a stand-alone game, with no direct or sequential connection to prior games. Square Enix (the publisher) does re-use a lot of names for characters and places, and thematic elements, from game to game, but they aren’t meant to represent a consistent or continuing story across games.

(And, yes, the fact that there are so many “Final” Fantasy games is kind of funny. :smiley: )