peeing with a tampon in

I haven’t laughed for a while now, so thank you for this :smiley:

The reviewer’s name was the 1st clue that this would be HILARIOUS! :smiley: I too thank you for the laugh!

Not all vaginas are created alike. Some are created longer and twistier than others, which isn’t conducive to cup retrieval. Don’t ask me how I know this.

Here’s a bit of advice for you (and a couple others) – It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

I’m one of the unlucky folks who has heavy days where it doesn’t matter what form of protection I use-- I will feel like Carrie-at-the-Prom in my pants if I can’t get to a bathroom in time. On those days, I just empty the cup more frequently and wear a pad as backup. I’m sorry you had a bad experience with it; not every solution fits every user.

Wish I had known this when I had gotten an IUD inserted years ago; it may have been part of why my IUD migrated close to my cervix after 3 years, but then again, from the evidence available, it’s likely that my IUD wasn’t positioned properly in the first place by the doctor who performed the procedure.

I apologize to you, the OP, and anyone else my little joke offended. I did not realize that making a joke in IMHO now merited moderator notes.

Menstrual cups (and tampons) do not appear to increase the rate of IUD expulsion or displacement.The suspected mechanism of action was not suction (which should not be stronger than normal vaginal pressure if you’re keeping the holes clear of gunk) but women tugging the IUD string accidentally when removing the cup. But either way, it doesn’t appear to be a statistically significant risk, at least with this fairly small study and anecdotal experience of users under physician care.

If your strings are too long and you’re worried about tugging them out with a cup or tampon, then you should talk to your doctor or midwife. She can trim them for you.

As I said in the ATMB thread, the note was intended to ward off threadshitting. Gagging about how icky females are in a relatively informative thread borders on the inappropriate.

Oh, hot damn! Thanks, WhyNot! :: snoopy dance ::

That’s what you got out of his comment? :confused: I got, “Wow, I’m lucky I don’t have to deal with that.”

Well, it was meant to encompass all the :eek: comments.

Hmmm. I seem to have a missed all the blow-job comments. I’ll look again. :wink:

Have you considered a career in writing?

I am about to get an IUD and asked my gynecologist about my beloved menstrual cup and she said it was fine to use the cup with the IUD. I was very happy to hear this, but at the same type it may not be an issue because periods often cease with the Mirena hormonal IUD.

The “turn it until you hear the click” part is going to keep me laughing for a very long time.

I should remember to tuck the strings, instead I end up changing a lot of tampons.

Peeing on a tampon string is a problem? :confused:

Well, I’m still trying to get the Diva Cup inserted properly. Yes, I read the instructions.

For the record I had a patient once who’s urinary meatus was oddly positioned. After catheterizing her a few times, I became known mongst my fellow nurses as the Marco Polo of Bessie’s hoo-haw. Her urethral opening was actually inside her vag. It seems odd, and contrary, and everyone who ever saw me cath her said… ummm are you sure you know where you are going… but yeah that was urine draining. She would pee on a tampon I guess, if she was still menstruating.

Yeah, I’ve seen female hypospadias in patients before as well, contrary to what’s posted upthread, some women do pee out of their vaginas.

OP, does you GF have a history of bladder infections? She might have her holes in closer proximity than most.