Per Your Request, Oh Mighty Christian Warrior

At the request of Omegaman, I have started this thread.

I have made no claims that I am a badass. I have only claimed in the other thread that you do not know anything about me, and therefore cannot pass judgment on me. I think my friends would laugh loud and long if I tried to apply the label “bad ass” to myself.

Planet size balls sound damned uncomfortable, so I’ll stick with the basic model. I willingly concede that you shit larger than me, although why this is of interest to you, I have no idea. If I play my cards right, I will never be in a shitting contest with you or anyone else.

Yes, I am man-size, for what it’s worth. And my narrow ass is not filled with hate, which sounds damn uncomfortable. For that matter, calling my ass “narrow” might also be good for a chuckle with my friends.

I am comforted by the fact that, if I become scared by your threats, assuming I can understand them, I can make them all go away by pushing my computer’s off button. You might try that yourself, when your temper rages out of control.

Link, for those of us who have NO idea what the fuck you’re babbling about? An unattributed quote out of context is of no help.

You are, of course, correct, Q.E.D.. My apologies for the oversight - particularly since it annoys me when other posters omit the linky.

From page 9 of the Great Debate thread “Where are we going?”

ETA - deleted improperly used apostrophe

From here, post 345. And if you think Papermache Prince is babbling, prepare to be awed by the Babblemeister, Omegaman.

The entertainment value of this Pitting may well be very high, but a link would be nice.

eta, yeah, what they said

It’s Omegaman. You’ve read one post, you’ve pretty much read 'em all.

Isn’t it time for the banstick, fluiddruid? That sort of unhinged personal attack has no place in GD.

Omegaman currently has 777 posts. I guess this is his lucky pitting.

Not that I’m defending the guy, but I think he has great potential. Also, that kind of junior moderating doesn’t sit well with me.

Well I’m so glad you finally got around to it as you threatened it forever before you pulled your little pants up and had a go at it . Please do not become frightened by my words , as they are only words on the intranets my little baby.If you become frightened you may run behind your mommys skirt as it is a safe place for you to hide in the face of danger.I can’t tell you how happy I am to know that your other ball has dropped and that your mommy has allowed you to come out and play with me and the other men and , O , the fun we will have. You see , Your Mommys not here now so we will have to listen to one another. Or, You can cover your head and pretend the bad man doesn’t come here . Your choice. But be sure , your Mommy won’t be able to come get you when the bad man comes with the knife to do the bad thing. Do you know what that thing is ? I doubt it . But be sure it is very bad and it will change you forever . Understand ?

From you , I’m so insulted. I treated you just as a Lady should be treated.

Dude , stick a cork in it . I cant believe you go to work every day.

Omegaman, seriously, if you’re really attempting not to judge people, you’re sucking at it.

I predict this; half of** Omegaman’s ** posts in this thread (well, I suppose “ever”) will be entirely polite, reverential, accepting. The other half will be vitriolic and unpleasant. Being the subject of one will not necessarily mean you will not be the subject of the other.

I take OM as evidence that the only way fundamentalists can possibly win is by out-breeding the rest of us. Thus, for our own safety, we should continue to influence their children away from them whenever possible, even to the extent of putting more sexual content in cartoon shows and more drugs in the schools.

Perhaps we could convince teh gays to up their recruitment drives?

Please , do not space after you use punctuation . It is very distracting . Why must you do that ? Also , that is all .

ETA : nothing in particular , I just wanted to space after the colon as well .

So does cow shit, but I don’t want any on MY lawn.

Don’t sweat the small shit PP. That guy is the worst kind of crazy. I don’t understand why anybody even responds to him.

That oughta do it (that and teh gay recruiting). :smiley:

Omegaman, if I’m not mistaken, you are representing yourself as a strong Christian on these Boards. You do not seem very Christian- (or Christ-) like to me at all. You mouth a few platitudes, but your actions and attitudes tell at different story. Frankly, in my opinion, that makes you the worst kind of religious person of all - the hypocrite. By all means, be any kind of asshole you want, but don’t try to kid yourself or anyone else that you are following Christ’s teachings when you do.

Remember that prize I owe you from a long time ago? I guess you wont be wanting it now… :stuck_out_tongue: