Personally trademark phrases

Please share for my curiosity is piqued, what is your trademark phrase. Mine is “Blaze your trail” as a phrase used in farewells or sometimes with friends who know “Blaze your trail” I’ll shorten it to “Blaze it” - it actually isn’t mine either, got it from a crummy Sci-fi novel and adapted it.

It’s kinda new age I guess, but the meaning is good.

“We have pants, now we need guns.”

I’m tempted to leave it at that, but I won’t…

During one game session, the GM sent our characters through a gate that deposited them sans clothing and equipment. We were able to find something to cover ourselves fairly easily (robbed some person’s washing), at which point one of us uttered that immortal phrase. We since have used it whenever we’ve got started on some project, and are not quite sure how to go on to the next step…

When things go bad, my personal swear phrase is “God Fuck!”

When it’s time to get things rolling, I like to say “Let’s kick this puppy.” I find that one funny, because I love dogs, and if anyone ever even looked at my dog funny, I’d kick there ass. But there’s just something oddly funny about the statemtent. Plus, it catches a lot of people off guard.

It burns, Papa!™

An old one, but a goody: “Let’s blow this popstand!” when leaving somewhere.

When somebody says something really stupid or uses the wrong word in a situation you can say, “Sorry, I don’t speak ignorant!!!” Got that one from my ex. It puts people in their place.

I stole it from Alex in A Clockwork Orange. I use it whenever I can’t come up with a suitable subject line for an e-mail.

“Sweety”, pronounced “Schuweeday”.

No idea where I got it, but I got it.

Usually when I’m working on something, the last three steps of assembly/fixing occur with a narration: “Bloof, Blaff, Bliff”. Don’t ask me why, I think it might have something to do with the old batman shows…

Whenever an awkward pause occurs in a conversation: “… And silence falls like a dead cat.” This usually leads to one of my friends making a “mmmMMMEeEEOWsplat!” kind of noise, and earns me some glares from catlovers (disclaimer: I have three cats and love them dearly).

Another phrase, which I picked up from a friend of mine, is the spoonerism “I have to race like a pisshorse.”

“Good FREAKING gravy!”
“Christ and a half!”
“How interesting.” (monotone, said when something is not)

[no idea where the first two cropped up, but I’ve used them for a long time]

Hmmm…most of mine are somewhat insulting, and I stole the lot of them from various sources, but I’ll share anyway.

When someone tells me (in a smoking area or outside) that my smoke is bothering them, I tell them “Well, it’s killing me.” Although in every other situation, I try to be the model of polite and considerate smoking.

I’m also fond of throwing my hands up in the air when frustrated and yelling “Fuck this!”

When leaving a location in a group, I like to say “Let’s pop smoke”.

When someone suddenly interjects a deeply depressing or upsetting comment into what was previously a light-hearted conversation, I call this a “dead baby”. I also use this phrase when I or another person is forced to deal with a horrifyingly urgent situation which is not really all-that-important, i.e, the boss is screaming, the SO is being pissy again, etc. Though never for actual emeregencies.

I part company with an encouragement to “drive safely”.

In situations in which all had gone horribly awry due solely to uncontrollable circumstances, I lament with “Those acts of God really stick it in and break it off, eh?”

I’m sure I have more, but that’s all I can think of right now.

I use Grrr, bite, sting when someone does anything that aggravates me. Things have gone to hell at work lately (mandatory 10 hour days, 7 days a week) so I have been using it a lot lately.
And when older women drivers (over 50) drive in a manner that find annoying, I use the phrase Where you going Grandma? I’m a grandfather myself so I really shouldn’t say that. My wife also gives me dirty looks.

I almost forgot:

Holy Disco Dancing Moses
By the Swallowed balls of Jonah

The latter was gleaned from Trevanian’s Shibumi

Oh Please.

I tend to curse people with “I hope you get groin beetles.” Heard the phrase “groin beetles” in a Simpsons comic, and it’s stuck with me ever since.

For curses, I tend to say “Shit on a stick!” a lot, or “Jeezum crow!” if I’m really pissed.


“What in the name of All-That-Is-Good?”

I use it in the same context as ‘what in God’s name’, particularly when I’m all tired out from a long day of other grievous blasphemies.

“Just once in life, everyone gets their stomach pumped.”

Roughly manhandled from a song. It means, when I use it, that you shouldn’t worry too much about having too much fun and looking like an idiot because of it - because everyone else’s had their stomach pumped at least once, so to speak.

I also tried to refer to my friends as ‘droogies’ at one time, but no one got it. I must live in a cultural vacuum. Barbarians.

“Um, I’m going to move over here,” when someone says something that’s kind of weird. Of course, I don’t mind weird things, it’s just that I have to provide some kind of reaction, and whatever makes them feel the most uncomfortable is, by my opinion, the best.

“God lives in my refrigerator,” No particular occasion where I use it, I just like it. I have it in my info on aim.

“One time, when I was little, a caterpillar crawled up my nose. It never came out, and my brain tickles.” Same as above. As a matter of fact, I have a lot of these.

Whenever one of my household projects ends up with - um - less than optimal results, Mrs. Kunilou swears (after a few other swears) that she will have “In theory this should work” put on my tombstone, because it almost certainly will have been my final words.



Where’s the screwdriver?

It’s on our magnificent workbench.

My b/f and I live in a historic residential hotel, which we mockingly refer to as "The Always Luxurious ______ ".

When I’ve just made an ass out of myself, I say, “Well, then. Carry on.”

Since I’m on disability, when I’m asked to give my occupation, I write, “Cat sniffing.”