Pet Peeves about SDMB posts?

Hah! Not just your every day Pet Peeves post - no, this is solely about SDMB posts. laughs Maybe I’m just too picky, but …

One thing that really annoys me is when a link is posted without giving a description of what the link is about. Not wanting to single any post (or poster!) out, I’d just like to request a brief description, please. Oh yes, and if the link takes you to a site where you may have to download a different language, a warning on that would be thoughtful.

Another thing that annoys me are posts where places are named (towns, landmarks, etc.) without geographical reference. So there I sit, scratching my head, trying to figure out where this is. I don’t come close to knowing where everything is in my own state, much less the rest of the world! laughs So please, for the love of Og (or Whatever!), when waxing prolific about the beautiful waterfalls you visited recently, at least consider giving a county/shire/country as a POR. I’m telling you, this really drives me crazy.

Okay, now I’ve revealed some of my own idiosyncracies; anyone else?

Put me down for the geographic reference thing. Especially since so many of us are geeks, and like to enter planets/stars/semi-humorous “in a state of grace”-esque trite jokes/fictional place-names from obscure 1920’s-style TV shows in the location field.

My pet peeve is threads that repeat previous threads that were only a few days ago. :smiley:

I don’t grasp why people create thread titles with the word “lame”. If it’s truly lame, don’t post it. Also, I hate the use of “pit” as a verb. Forum names are nouns or noun phrases. No one says “I cafe society last night’s episode of The Simpsons” or “I general questions the existence of real-life mountaintop gurus.” Lastly, I despise the Great Debates tactic of of taking a statement you disagree with and rephrasing it in stupid-sounding language, supposedly proving that the original statement is stupid. That should be dismissed as quickly as any other logical fallacy.

Well, Maybe not quite yet, but…

My single biggest pet peeve of internet communications is when people refuse to use capitalization and proper punctuation.

I see this board as a casual conversation and I don’t worry too much about misspellings, wrong punctuation, typos, abbreviations, slang, etc. I try not to post anything that I wouldn’t say in person.
The only thing I really find annoying are picayune arguments over some minor point that usually has little, or nothing, to do w/ the original OP. The exchanges are about egos and come across as asinine and juvenile.

Yikes! My apologies to NoClueBoy, as well as a confession that I had seen his OP but hadn’t opened it to read. Mea Culpa all.

My gripes are only two:

1)I despise it when someone posts what they believe to be a Great Revelation, when in fact, the same thoughts were in a previous post in the same thread. If you care enough about the thread to post in it, then take the time to read the whole freakin’ thing BEFORE you post! (please?)

2)Using that itty-bitty font size for a sentence or two isn’t cool, and it doesn’t make you look smart or help you make a point. I always just skip it, never knowing or caring what it said. I suppose many others do likewise.

Other than those two things, everybody here is perfect. :wink:

Mine is when people beat me to the punch! :smack:

I agree.

I can forgive the occasional misplaced/missing comma, my hat is off to anyone who’s never botched that. But it really annoys me when people end statements with a question mark? And why do they end questions with a period. They seem to do it intentionally? And I don’t understand why people have begun putting a space between the last word of the sentence and the question mark ?

Also footnotes*. They can be cute when used sparingly, but not in every other post in a thread.

*Nothing to see here, move along.