Pet pictures!

I agree that it was a really good pic, I used to have the most beautiful black cat and never managed to get a good pic of her. Trust me, she was beautimus.

I woke up one morning to see my cat Will looking at me with those eyes and holding my arm between his front paws. Scared the shit out of me. I talked calmly to him and slowly moved my arm out of his grip. Got away with just a few puncture wounds.

Hey, is that Merlin? If so, does he grok doors now? Gormless George is 13 months old and still manages to lock himself into rooms if the doors aren’t open all the way.

Ha! My Bernie, the Bernese Mountain Dog, routinely let himself in and out of the house in the summer by sliding open the screen door with his mighty snout. Admittedly,. he showed no interest in closing the door behind him, though.

What, he deactivated those few brain cells he’d just gotten switched on? :wink:

For those who don’t read the MMP, here’s my part-time cat, Buddy:


I truly think that cats perceive the world differently when they are in “hunting mode,” like Don Quixote and his windmills. Legs are tree trunks; arms are snakes; hands are tentacle monsters. The little cleft that they flopped into to snuggle in mere moments before becomes a chasm of serpents. And then, just as quickly as they began the hunt, they are back to snuggling.

She’s starting with the dog in the mirror… :notes:

(Bailey, 13, hound mix)

It was a fluke. I shouldn’t have bragged about it when it happened because I set the poor gormless guy up for failure. Our expectations were too high!

Buddy is a very handsome guy and I must confess that I have a soft place in my heart for the gingers, but Alley is my fav in your home. She protects her bird which is the sweetest thing ever.

Linden and Poe recommend this elevated dog bed they inherited from Shamus (who hated it, go figure): K&H PET PRODUCTS Original Pet Cot Elevated Dog Bed Chocolate/Black Mesh Medium 25 X 32 X 7 Inches. It has plenty of room for 30lbs of cat.

It’s thunderstorming so I’m not going to get on my computer to upload pictures
but there are some already on twitter of them sharing their bed

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C, back last spring when there was less cat

Those are super wonderful pics, but I’m thinking you might have wanted to share them in the pet bed thread.

Simi is a good boy.

Aw, the spots on the feets! :heart_eyes:

Oh, God. I can’t imagine a home without animals. We always had them growing up. Did you know, at the height of occupancy, my house had three humans and five animals? I’m serious. My house isn’t small per se. But still.

Now I am down to two cats, which seems kind of sad to me for the aforementioned reasons. Yeah, they’re sisters, and they get along amazingly well, which is odd for cats. I’ve got to get a pic of them sleeping together, it’s so cute. If I ever do, maybe I’ll share it.


Now, if someone would post the pic itself here, since I apparently can’t, that would be so nice. I’m not saying that anyone should. I’m just thinking out loud :wink: :slightly_smiling_face: .

“Open image in new tab” to produce a direct link to the image file with a standard image file extension, and…

Bobby Badlands:

Bob checking out the scale version of the Crazy Horse Memorial

Bob, looking to the skies.

On the way out of Badland’s National Park, there was a herd of Buffalo or Bison or Tatanka or whatever. I got out to take a few snaps. Bob was so jealous.


Love Bob looking to the skies.

He’s still looking - took this one this morning. I have another pic of him with the Tower, but they don’t let you bring pets on the hiking trails - I know, right? - and from the parking lot, the sun was rising right along side the tower. I couldn’t get any sort of decent lighting for a shot worth a shit. Got plenty of other Tower shots, though … over at my travel thread.


Since we’re all thinking it, may as well post it:

Close Encounters of the Bob Kind

You’re welcome…

Sun seeker Toby.