I searched for threads like this - I know there has to be some - but couldn’t come up with anything…
Letterman has had at least one Top 10 list like this - the Top 10 phrases that sound like they should have a sexual connotation, but don’t. The only one I remember is “jumping the turnstile”.
I thought of this topic as I was getting ready to play guitar - and the phrases that came to mind were numerous:
Tuning the Guitar
Fingering My Guitar
Adjusting the Pickup
Playing triplets
It gets very Beavis and Butthead fast. So - what phrases do YOU think should have a sexual connotation, but to your knowledge, don’t?
And the words ‘flaccid’ and ‘turgid’ are ruined forever.
Oh, and the cute little story of the kid saving a Dutch town by putting his finger in a dyke. Don’t worry, the link is safe for work and details the fairy-tale.
I get morning reports from a lot of drilling rigs, and they’re full of stuff, much of it in acronyms, like POOH, meaning “pulliing out of hole.” Other common ones that might stir one’s imagination:
Move In Rig Up
Nipple Up Blow Out Preventers
Shear Rams
Of course, Drilling In Hole
Tool In Hole
Going In Hole With Fish
Reaming In Hole
Conditioning Hole
Rigging Up Downhole Vibrator
And many more.
While not suggestive, I’ve always been partial to WOW and WOO - Waiting On Weather and Waiting On Orders.