Pick a fictional character and tell us how they vote.

I think McCoy in one episode said flat out, “I vote Republican.” Wish I could provide a cite.

But I was shocked . . . shocked . . . and appalled.

I wish you could too, because I just don’t believe it.

Wow, I may have to watch some Law and Order now…

[off topic]Don’t. Just this weekend I saw two awful L&O SVU re-runs which were simply awful. One had them involving themselves in a supposed rip-off scam which turned out to be some kind of convoluted incest as well and ended in murder. The other had a convenient doctor substitution in which the guest doctor took over most detecting duties … for some reason (my guess is that Jeremy Irons’ salary per episode is too high for him to be in less than half the episode) [/off topic]

Scrooge McDuck probably formed three different super-PACS, one to finance the GOP, the other to fund the Democrats and one to support a third candidate, under his direct control.

Jack Bauer is obviously a Republican.

I think it was one of two episodes. Either he was dealing with the corrupt state governor and was defending his actions to his subordinate, or in the other episode he decided to prosecute using terrorism laws that he found repugnant and was trying to rationalize doing so to his subordinate.

Edit: Jeez. Maybe it was McCoy’s replacement.

Hank Hill is a Republican and pretty conservative. That being said he’d have nothing to do with any of the Brither crap or “Obama is a secret Muslim” crap. He’d definantly be opposed to same-sex marriage, but probally OK with domestic partnerships/civil unions/etc. Of course he’d be very uncomfortable talking about the subject and quickly change the subject. He would’ve loved McCain, given Palin the benefit of the doubt (at least at first), and probally dislike Romney.

Bruce Wayne is strongly anti-gun, which would probably have him voting Democrat.

How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Lilly are Democrats, Marshall votes Green Party, Barney is a Ron Paul Republican, and Robin is of course not a U.S. citizen (but would probably vote conservative if she were).

Seinfeld: George, Elaine and Kramer don’t vote; Jerry goes to the polls for material, but doesn’t actually vote for anyone.

Some literary characters:

Lazarus Long - Extreme libertarian (Votes tea-party or libertarian in the primary, 3rd party candidate afterwards)

Frodo Baggins - Ignores the Presidential part of the ticket, votes for whoever he is most closely related to for congress and local

Aragorn - abstains, apart from the constitutional ammendment to restore the Monarchy

Sherlock Holmes - Compassionate Republican? Or maybe a “New Labor” style Democrat. (Whatever counts as liberal on social issues, conservative on economics).

Anton Chigurh just flips a coin.

Somehow I doubt it, what with arresting the corrupt Republican president Charles Logan and all.

Bruce has never come across as particularly for gun control, IMO. He doesn’t carry, and he doesn’t like his costumed allies to do so, but Alfred has been known to pack heat without getting so much as a raised eyebrow.

I could see him voting for either party with good evidence for both from the comics. (IIRC in DCU: Decisions (which was terrible), he was revealed to vote Republican, but again, Decisions was terrible.)

Superman, especially in his current portrayal, definite Democrat. He’s pretty heavily into the whole Social Justice thing.

As much as I love King of the Hill, I do have to say that the most unbelievable aspect of Hank is that he’s ok with homosexuality. As you said, he’d be against gay marriage for religious reasons, and yeah probably be ok with a civil union type of thing, but given everything else we know about him (born* and raised in Texas, conservative, religious, traditional, strong ‘family values’,) it seems to me he would be the type that, while not standing out there with a ‘God Hate Fags’ sign, would just say,

“It’s wrong! A man goes with a woman, everyone knows that!” in his exasperated “I’m the only sane mane in an insane world” voice.

But I also understand that Mike Judge wanted Hank to be likable, even if the viewers disagreed with some of his politics/ideas. He knew that making him homophobic would be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” to a lot of viewers and make them go from saying,
“Well, I don’t always agree with him, but he does have his family’s best interest at heart, and is a nice person.”
“I hate that homophobic, hilly-billy, redneck.”
*Yes, I know technically he was born in NY.

Archie Bunker would support the tea party if they weren’t so damn liberal.

Not everyone falls into neat little rubrics, you know.

Walter Kovaks (Rorschach from Watchmen) would probably vote Libertarian, but I doubt he would ever participate in a government sponsored event.

Part of the fun of KOTH was Hank being taken out of his social safety bubble and forced to interact with gays, drag queens, yoga instructors, hippies, dog whisperers, promiscuous dolphins, artists, Green Day, Chris Rock, and his somewhat effeminate son. I agree that he would be neighborly to homosexuals, but would definitely vote Republican. Wasn’t there an episode where his world is upset when he shakes George W. Bush’s hand and discovers Bush has a weak handshake?

Snake Plissken and Jack Burton would both vote Libertarian.

I predict everyone at Cheers would have voted Republican except for Diane, Frasier, and Lillith.

Everyone on Friends would have voted Democrat, except maybe Chandler, or Phoebe for some kooky reason.

Oh, I see this very differently. Elaine definitely votes Democrat, Kramer Republican (didn’t he have a thing for George Will?), George doesn’t care about the issues but votes one party or the other just to spite someone, and Jerry just doesn’t care.

Darth Vader and Palpatine both vote Republican. Same with Montgomery Burns :slight_smile:

Walter White (Breaking Bad) is proud of his independence, probably tends to vote Democratic (being a teacher) but has no qualms about voting Republican.