Piss or Pee?

While reading a recent thread I noted how people referred to that particular activity, on the whole, as pissing or peeing.
When I was a young lad my father took me upon his knee and told me “Son, men piss. Women pee.” What struck me as odd were the number of (perceived) gentlemen who were referring to the act of lizard draining as peeing.
So gents is it pissing or peeing?


It’s both, though peeing is more common with me.

When I mean “(perceived) gentlemen” I do not mean to diminish a gentleman’s honor but some of the handles could either be male or female.

I had vaguley thought the “pee” was jsut a sort of Bowdlerised version of "piss.

Pee is the “politically correct” version of Piss. Victorian sensibilities disallowed women to utter the word, thus it was called by its initial.

in modern context, both are suitable to use depending on upbringing. Its hardly a “bad” word anymore.


I personally like “piss” because it is an onomonopia. It’s probably one of the first words uttered by humankind.


Piss is somewhat vulgar, I only use it in the company of male friends. If in a mixed group and it becomes necessary to announce a need to visit the restroom, the common expression is “take a slash”. Slash having nothing to do with “fagfic”. Pee just sounds so cutesy.

By the way, women tinkle goddamn you.

So, I guess we’ve finished raising the tone of the board. :dubious:

All I can think of, after reading the OP, was an expression we used when I was wee, (said to someone who was whining) :

My heart pumps purple piss for you.

I’m a pisser

Does raisinbread piss purple?

(I’m not even going to ask about green_bladder.)

Gall bladders are green.

I pissed the color blue once.

I used to never say ‘pee’ until I got into a long-term relationship with a woman some many years ago. Now, it’s all pee, all the time.

And, no golden shower jokes, please :slight_smile:

So it’s just a coincidence that She’s a Mover just came onto my stereo or do you have control of my computer, green_bladder ? And am I the only one that find these things funny?

Actually, I don’t have squat to say on the matter.

Female, here. I say “piss” almost exclusively, unless I’m in the company of those who might object: Adults I either don’t know well enough to be up on their stance on swearing, (not that “piss” is to be considered a real swear word or anything), or if there are young children around.

The word “pee” just strikes me as childish. Probably because childhood was the time in my life when talking about pee was most frequent and colorful–and in the conversation, that was what it was always called–pee.

I have graduated to “piss.”

Somehow, it’s rarely a topic of conversation in my life.