Pizza ship

From “The Onion”

NEW YORK: Fidelity Financial Services’ Gwen Watson, 33, shouted angrily at her IBM ViaVoice Pro USB voice-recognition software, sources close to the human-resources administrator reported Monday.

“No, not Gary Friedman!Barry Friedman, you stupid computer. BARRY!” Watson was heard to scream
from her cubicle.

“Jesus Christ, I could’ve typed it in a hundredth of the time.” After another minute of yelling, Watson was further incensed upon looking at her screen, which read, “Barely Freedman you God ram plucking pizza ship.” :slight_smile:

Oh my og that is too plucking money!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

MMmmmm… edible space travel…

Ride, captain ride, upon your pizza ship…