Its very simple. When your reading through a thread, and somebody tries to blame the Current Prez/ Ex Prez for something, or Slander the Prez/Ex Prez out of the blue, post here.
Points will be rewarded for the pointless of the slander/reference, and how quickly the slander can be made since the OP. Extra bonus points care rewarded for the remoteness of the OP to politics.
For example, in this thread, Gatoescapado brings Clinton into a debate for know reason. (Albeit, he gets bonus points because it was pretty funny ;))
The point of this thread, well, there is no real point. Just that people seem to love having a go at the president/ ex prez, and will not waste any opertunity to do it.
nice to see i have inspired a game that can be played with your pants on! keep me posted on my score, as i am very competitive and will want to stay right at the top, even if i have to tell the world what i REALLY think of Clinton in the middle of some general question about use of fake plastic parsley as visual decoration on a sushi boat platter.
(wait a minute, didn’t he have a japanese fishing boat sunk on his watch? or was that the other guy? might have to pick something even more obscure to hijack for maximum points…)
ps Watch that spelling of the username! Or was that part of it? I kinda like it!