Clinching a golf T between your butt cheeks is a really, really dumb stunt. Why she agreed to it beats me. After all, what could possibly go wrong? :rolleyes:
Where do you get this rediculous conclusion? Just watching his feet I see a classic reverse pivot and a total lack of hip movement on the downswing. I would bet you anything he guy is a 20+ handicapper; in other words, someone to struggles to break 100.
Oh yeah, there’s one more piece of evidence he’s a bad golfer: he totally missed the ball and hit the girl.
I’d say this falls firmly in the category of “What the hell were you expecting to happen?”
Sorry, babe, but if you’re dumb enough to let somebody hit a golf ball off your ass, then you should have that bruise tattooed on there as a permanent reminder of the event.
I don’t know much about golf. It looked like he just grazed one butt cheek. Seemed pretty good to me. I would have put a major divot in her butt. Most non players would.
Sounds like you know more and I’ll agree with you that he is rubbish.
If you’re dead set on having a girl use her ass for anything other than its intended purpose, you should look to the opening scene of The Wolf of Wall Street for inspiration.
Shouldn’t he be up on a small riser of about 6 to 8 inches so that his feet are on the same plane as the upper surface of her butt? Wouldn’t that, coupled with “For Christ’s sakes, don’t bend your knees!”, have helped to keep him from accidentally hitting her with his club?
Well, sure. And armoring her glutes could have also helped.
What would have been even better? Everyone involved having had the presence of mind to know teeing off a someone’s asscrack is not really that clever unless your production’s titled Jackass.
And I’m thinking, the PR team back at PEI must have winced when they saw this… “Great, thank you all folks, this will do wonders to help the company’s reputation vis-a-vis female dignity, and the models’ reputation vis-a-vis decisionmaking acumen.”
I am a golfer, and I’d think that on a tee shot, both ball and golfer would be on the same level. The idea that the ball would be placed about 8 to 10 inches above what a golfer would normally expect on a tee is silly.
Kline should have been standing on a box about 10" high, if he was to hit that shot with a driver. Either that, or he would have played a very short iron–a 9 or a PW, and choked up on the club, so as to avoid injury to the young lady.
Could the shot have been made safely? Sure. Could it have been made safely under the circumstances shown in the video? IMHO, no.
She may be lucky she just got smacked in the cheek. There’s a ‘fail’ video around of two young-ish guys doing this, with the tee guy holding it in his mouth. The golfer hits it cleanly, but hard, and the force of the club nicking the tee sends it downward and pierces the tee guy’s tongue (the pierced tongue, and the subsequent extraction and bleeding, are all shown).
The same thing happening with a tee stuck in someone’s anus could have had pretty serious results.
Summary: kid secures tail end of bottle rocket in his own anus. Friend lights fuse, the burning of which drops hot sparks on his ass, causing him to involuntarily clench. Then the rocket motor ignites, blasting his perineum with screaming hot rocket exhaust; still unable to release this incendiary ass bomb, he gets to his feet just as the rocket’s warhead explodes a foot from his ass.