Please help cheer me up!

I need to hear a funny joke or story OR SOMETHING…
I’m down in the dumps. :frowning:


Twas Sunday and things were just fine
As Dopers kept crowding online
The messages crept
And everyone wept
But the hamsters kept swiggin’ their wine

I would provide a link for you, but the way things are set up here at work, I can’t cut and paste a URL for you. So I recommend doing a search for Halvsie the Two Legged Dog. It’s in MPSIMS, I don’t remember how long ago, more than a year for sure. I wrote the OP and it starts kinda slow, but it gets really funny when Eve shows up with the TV show bit.

And if you don’t feel like sharing, that’s fine, but do you mind sharing what’s got you in the dumps? If you don’t want to post it publicly, but want to talk, my e-mail is available below, although I won’t be able to check it until I get home tonight close to midnight or so.

yeah… well… hmmm… I’m really more of a “banter” kinda guy… but we’ll try a joke here… let’s see…

A rabbi, a catholic priest, 2 nuns, and a duck walk into a bar… the bartender says “What is this? Some Kinda Joke?”
Yeah, I know…

Just for Crunchy Frog

Zeldar: had a visual of my pet hamsters from years and years ago, drinking wine out of little carafes.

Crunch: I appreciate it. Will do.

verbena: reminds me of the joke~
Two guys walk into a bar after the first one did it, the second should have known better.

Thanks…y’all are good people.

And, if you are seriously bored…

the block structure porn made me chuckle. what does that say about me as a person?


Lsura demonstrates just another reason why she make me feel all squooshy inside.

Aside from my insides being naturally squooshy, that is.

oh, my… the creator of that site needs serious psychiatric help!

Q. How does a Denver Broncos fan find a sheep in tall grass?
A. Very satisfying.

Okay, I think we have a winnah.
And I thought the original Hampster Dance was funny…hee!

How about SDMB’s Page-O-Flames?

wow. I may be using one or two of those soon…

In the same vein as block porn, is Fruit Pr0n

And this gem that’s been floating around before.

In the same vein as block porn, is Fruit Pr0n

And this gem that’s been floating around before.

Erk. Stupid duplicating magic hamsters :smack:

Man, that has to go down as one of the funniest things I have ever seen on the net. This one is definitely going into my Spam Hall of Fame™.


In the same vein as block porn try