Sometimes I can’t finish reading what they say and have to mouse off and back on.
I don’t like mousing when I can avoid it.
Keyboards rule!
Sometimes I can’t finish reading what they say and have to mouse off and back on.
I don’t like mousing when I can avoid it.
Keyboards rule!
“To mouse”? “Mousing”? Cool! New verb.
If you moused to get the pop-up in the first place, what’s the problem with mousing again?
Gah! I remember when we used to call a cat a good mouser. Now I’m one of them.
Is there a time-out on the pop-ups?
It isn’t a Javascript popup block. They just set the TITLE attribute in the table cell. I think the time it appears is a browser thing, and they don’t have any control over it. These things are a little longer than most TITLEs, I imagine, which is why your browser doesn’t give you enough time for them.
There is one thing they can probably do to give you enough time to read the whole popup. They could decrease the amount of text that appears.
I’ve found that if you slowly stroke the link with your mouse, you can keep it up indefinitely.
Gad - that sounds like something from one of those juvenescent sex threads in MPSIMS!
Seriously, if you slowly move the cursor over the link (it doesn’t take much), the pop-up will stay popped.
Now that’s sig material if ever I saw it. Thanks for the chuckle, BJMoose.
Please make the title pop-ups die a horrible death.
They were interesting at first but now they irritate. I am constantly having to move my mouse to the top of the screen to get rid of the popup hints I didn’t want to look at.
That’s what I said some time ago. Don’t know where, don’t know when. But some of you like the title pop ups (including me). Some of you don’t like it.
What I was saying is that a new feature hasn’t to be exclusive decision of mods or the majorities. It must be optional, I mean, if **Lobsang ** don’t like it, disable it; if I like it, I keep it.
What would be wrong with this? It needs some tweaking on the vBulletin software or did the programmers give the option to the users to give the option to the end-users?. (did I write it right?)
There’s got to be some way of tweaking the duration of tooltips (in Windows), hasn’t there? - I can’t find anything in the registry, but perhaps it is one of those values that is missing by default.
[quote=editing from Microsoft MSDN Documentation]
The default delay times are based on the double-click time. For the default double-click time of 500 ms, the initial, autopop, and reshow delay times are 500ms, 5000ms, and 100ms respectively, where
AUTOPOP sets the length of time a ToolTip window remains visible if the pointer is stationary within a tool’s bounding rectangle.
INITIAL sets the length of time a pointer must remain stationary within a tool’s bounding rectangle before the ToolTip window appears.
RESHOW sets the length of time it takes for subsequent ToolTip windows to appear as the pointer moves from one tool to another.
I would like the mouseover preview if it only popped up when the pointer was actually over the title, but it appears any time the pointer is in that column, which I find horribly distracting and annoying, particularly when it obscures other thread titles.