Please tell me Arrow is okay.

How’s Arrow doing? Well, I hope.

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

Are you a turtle?

I have been wondering, too, Johnny. Maybe if there are two of us standing here, waiting patiently with our cards and flowers, Oblio will see us and send out an update.

Count me in. I was worried as well.


Count me in! How is the pup???

Hi all, sorry I am late with an update.

Arrow is doing great :slight_smile:

The doc delayed taking the stitches out till this Monday rather than the previous Friday as planned. He poked and prodded and pinched and nearly got bit, which was a good sign because that meant that the nerves were alive. His gums, lips, and other soft tissue have healed and show good blood supply. He was pronounced fit for duty to guard my property against the militant attack squirrels. Arrow is in good spirits and back to his old self both mentally and physically. Other than missing a lower canine and sporting a fist sized scar from the tip of his nose to his lip he is none worse for the wear.

Thanks again to everyone from here and/or chat who have given Me and my Arrow support and encouragment.


WHEW! I’m so very glad to hear that, Oblio. I also have been worried about you both. Great news!! I feel so much better now.
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
I’m all grins for you both!!
<sorry, ChiefScott for the smilies>

You sing in my consciousness like a counterpoint to my life.

Thanx for the news! I’ve been looking for an update every day on MPSIMS.

I’m glad everything’s okay. It’ll be a swell story for him to tell his pups. :smiley:

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

Are you a turtle?

Let’s hope he makes it a war story where he was fighting the Red Baron, and of course, Arrow won the war! :smiley:


“Um, according to who? Nothing more than a high brow troll, though occasionally the bi polar personality swung in a constructive direction on innocuous topics.” Omniscient

Great news, Oblio, for you and your Arrow. I’m so glad Da Pup is healing, eyes bright, nose cold and tail wagging.

I’d wondered how you and your furred, loving companion were faring. I’m glad, so damned glad that your gallant dog pulled through. (As I type this an inquisitive, friendly dog nose is nudging my elbow upwards.)

All the best to Arrow, and to you. I’m so glad your pack is intact.



From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

Is that Arrow? Nice doggie. Here’s a treat for you. Hey! That’s my finger!

I’m glad to see his teeth are as sharp as ever. (Medic!)