pointless poll of wristwatch wearers

We’ve had a couple of threads in the past few months about the fading popularity of the wristwatch. A wristwatch has been on my arm pretty much every day for 23 years, but it seems I will soon be marked as an old fogey for this. Alas. In any case, this is a poll for those who wear a wristwatch “regularly” – say at least 5 days a week. If you prefer the noble pocketwatch, if you use a cellphone for all your chronographic needs, or if you just think wristwatches are for losers, get your own thread. Wristwatch loyalists, be heard:

  1. Your gender (I assume wristwatch wearers are mostly men, but I see women wearing them now and again).
  2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind)
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on?
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)?
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)?
  7. Analog or digital?
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic?
  9. Do you sleep with it on?
  10. Anything else you want to share?

My replies:

  1. Your gender: Male
  2. Your approximate age: 35
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Below
  7. Analog or digital? Analog
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Stretchy metal
  9. Do you sleep with it on? Only when I’m sleeping someplace with no clock visible from the bed.
  10. Anything else you want to share? I’m kind of obsessive about knowing the time. I feel naked without a watch. I once went on a “retreat” in high school. They took our watches away, which just pissed me off. What the hell was up with that?
  1. Your gender: Male
  2. Your approximate age: 28
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Above
  7. Analog or digital? Analog
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Snap-closed metal
  9. Do you sleep with it on? Most nights.
  10. Anything else you want to share? The rare times I take my watch off to sleep I usually forget to put it on in the morning. This results in something feeling very off until I figure out my watch is on my dresser.

My replies:

  1. Your gender: Male
  2. Your approximate age: 48
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Below
  7. Analog or digital? Analog
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Leather
  9. Do you sleep with it on? No.
  10. Anything else you want to share? I wear a watch, but to be honest, I rarely look at it. I use my cell phone more often.

**1. Your gender ** Female
**2. Your approximate age ** Mid-40’s
**3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? ** Right
4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Below, closer to my hand
7. Analog or digital? Analog
8. What is the band made of? Leather
9. Do you sleep with it on? No
10. Anything else you want to share? It’s a 35 year old Timex wind-up.

Jaymosch, I’m kind of honored that you broke your near silence to post in my poll. Plus, we share a birthday!

Carry on.

  1. Your gender (I assume wristwatch wearers are mostly men, but I see women wearing them now and again). Male
  2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind) 40
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Below (though I’d call that ‘above’)
  7. Analog or digital? Analog with a digital face beneath it
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Snap-closed metal
  9. Do you sleep with it on? No! It would get even more stinky than normal.
  10. Anything else you want to share? Sometimes I cry at poetry

I’m going to try and go for 10 posts by the end of the year! :smiley:

  1. Your gender Female
  2. Your approximate age 53
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed?** Right**
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)?** Top**
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Above
  7. Analog or digital?** Analog**
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Plastic (current watch – I usually have leather)
  9. Do you sleep with it on? No
  10. Anything else you want to share? A story about watches: When I was in the Philly airport waiting for a flight to Amsterdam, I looked at my watch and … it was broken. The time-setting stem had broken off. I was stuck on a tranatlantic flight with no way to keep track of the passing time. I bought a cheap men’s watch for five euros (approx. $6.50) at a street fair the next day, thinking fine, this will do me for this trip anyway – puppy lasted about a year before finally dissolving on me. I swung by CVS on the way home and bought my next watch, which happened to have a plastic band, which I didn’t realize till I’d bought it.

Below (nearer wrist)
Snap-closed metal
No, I don’t sleep with it on (unless I’m camping)

I wear a watch everyday and feel naked without one (even when I am naked, I wear a watch - I need to know when to turn over, apply sunscreen, order lunch, etc.).

1. Your gender (I assume wristwatch wearers are mostly men, but I see women wearing them now and again). Female
2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind) 54, and I don’t mind being 54 one bit
3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Righty
4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? lefty
*5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? * Top of wrist
6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Mostly below, unless I’m doing something messy, then I skootch it up.
7. Analog or digital? Analog
8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Stretchy metal
*9. Do you sleep with it on? * It’s usually the first thing to come off when I get home from work.
10. Anything else you want to share? My watch is strictly utilitarian, hence it’s cheap. The current one cost all of $12, and when it dies, it’ll be replaced with an equally cheap watch. Right after I got married, my husband gave me a really pretty, very expensive watch. I wore it for years - even had the crystal replaced once, but eventually it died, and I’ve stuck with cheapies ever since. Always analog. More recently with the biggest numbers and hands I can find. <insert old lady squint here>

  1. Your gender ** Male**
  2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind) ** 43**
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Palm Side
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Above7. Analog or digital? Analog
  7. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Leather
  8. Do you sleep with it on? ** No**
  9. Anything else you want to share? I can’t sleep with it on because the ticking is too loud. It has to be across the room when I sleep.
  1. Your gender: Female
  2. Your approximate age: 21
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? below, I like my watches loose
  7. Analog or digital? analog
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? snap-closed metal
  9. Do you sleep with it on? no, no sleep, no shower, no swimming, just when I am awake doing regular stuff
  10. Anything else you want to share? it’s silver, rectangular face, fake diamond things, Anne Klein, pretty :slight_smile: only like $75 and I get a lot of compliments on it. I wear it whenever I’m dressed in regular clothes - like stated earlier, not when I am going swimming/boating or anything where it would get ruined but on a regular everyday basis I wear it. If I ever make enough money I’d like to have a few nice pretty silver watches. I feel naked without my watch.

People still wear wristwatches? :eek:

  1. Female
  2. 26
  3. Right-handed, although I use the mouse with my left
  4. Left
  5. Top
  6. Above I guess
  7. Digital cough I can’t read analog
  8. Fabric with a velcro close. When the band wears out, I’ll replace it with fabric but not velcro.
  9. No, but it’s right next to my glasses.
  10. I wore a watch for years and years, and just kept replacing the band. Finally I figured out that a cloth band would last longer than plastic. Then one of the spring bars broke and I never got it fixed. I used my cellphone as a clock, but it was so inconvenient that I bought a new watch. Of course now I have to remember to check my cellphone to make sure it isn’t dead.

I end up taking off my watch a lot. It’s uncomfortable to use the mouse with it on and other random times.

  1. Your gender: Male
  2. Your approximate age: 30
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Left
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Right
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top. Get a watch that fits.
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? I have no knob on my wrist. My watch sits high enough that the back of my hand does not hit it, but no higher
  7. Analog or digital? **Analog **
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Snap closed metal.
  9. Do you sleep with it on? **No way. **
  10. Anything else you want to share? **No. **
  1. Your gender Male
  2. Your approximate age 60’s
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? left
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist top of wrist
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist? above the styloid process, which is the little knob on the distal end of the ulna.
  7. Analog or digital? digital
  8. What is the band made of – stainless steel solid link bracelet with locking clasp and two release buttons
  9. Do you sleep with it on? yes
  10. Anything else you want to share? The above answers are only for the watch I’m wearing right now. I have about 150 watches, and actually wear about 15 of them with some regularity. The rest are part of the collection. So on a given day my answers would vary as to the details of the actual watch.
  1. Your gender (I assume wristwatch wearers are mostly men, but I see women wearing them now and again). Female
  2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind) 30s
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Right
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Top
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Below
  7. Analog or digital? Analogue
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Leather
  9. Do you sleep with it on? Yes, if in bed alone. No, if in bed with someone else. No, if on transport
  10. Anything else you want to share? Due to the habit of taking off my watch when sleeping on planes or trains, or when trying on clothes, I’ve managed to lose three fairly nice watches in about four years. And as it took me about a week to notice I’d lost the last one, I’m coming to the conclusion that I’m just not really a watch person.
  1. Your gender - - female

  2. Your approximate age - - 50s

  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? - - right-handed

  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? - - left wrist

  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? - - back of the hand

  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? - - above

  7. Analog or digital? - - digital

  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? - - fabric (It’s taken me awhile to settle on this. My skin breaks out in a rash with most metal bands. Plastic bands cause me to sweat, and the wrist will eventually start itching and peeling. The fabric works nicely. Leather might work, but I’m cheap.)

  9. Do you sleep with it on? - - no

  10. Anything else you want to share? I once had a councelor who commented on the fact that I wasn’t wearing a watch or carrying a pen. The comment was how interesting it was that I was relying on others to provide the time and the ink. I’m not sure how interesting it was. For the watch, see the rash comments above. I had not yet discovered a good fabric band. For the pen, she had a container of them on her desk, so I just left mine in the car. I don’t carry a purse, but there would have been one in my book bag. She didn’t comment on the lack of purse.

This was part of an exploration into whether learning to relax would lessen the migraines. It was long before cell phones. It was also before ATM cards, not that a councelor would necessarily take one. We had some interesting conversations. For awhile after, I’d wear a necklace watch. I’ve also tried wearing plastic ones set loose enough to dangle like a bracelet. The fabric band is the winner. Pity about the big Coleman logo.

That is too cool.

And thanks for setting me straight about the “styloid process”. That does sound familiar from an anatomy class I took years ago.

  1. Your gender (I assume wristwatch wearers are mostly men, but I see women wearing them now and again). I’m of the lady persuasion.
  2. Your approximate age (to the decade, if you don’t mind) 20’s
  3. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Righty
  4. Which wrist do you wear your timepiece on? Lefty, so I can consult it while doing tasks with my dominant hand (taking someone’s blood pressure, etc)
  5. Is the face of the watch on the top of your wrist (back-of-the-hand side), or the bottom (palm-side)? Palm side. ETA: to Cluricaun: it fits, I just think turning your wrist palm-side up is a more comfy and natural action than looking at the back of your wrist, which requires twisting of the elbow. It’s also a more subtle action, if you’re trying to check the time on the sly. :wink:
  6. You know that little knob on your wrist (the condyle, I think)? Does your watch rest “above” the knob (closer to your elbow) or below it (closer to your hand)? Closer to hand
  7. Analog or digital? Analog
  8. What is the band made of – stetchy metal, snap-closed metal, leather, fabric, plastic? Metal, just your basic Fossil
  9. Do you sleep with it on? Nope, remove it with my glasses.
  10. Anything else you want to share? **I’m kind of obsessive about knowing the time, too. I practically break out in hives if I somehow accidentally leave my watch at home. I think this partly stems from being a reformed perpetually late person. I had to work really hard to make promptness a habit, and now not being able to know what time it is is a big problem for me, even when it’s not really a big problem, like I’m on vacation or something. Anyway, I really don’t like to be without my watch. A cell phone will do in a pinch, but it’s just not the same. I don’t really have a second thought if I accidentally leave my cell phone at home, but I will go back to retrieve my watch.