Poll: Do you like to sneeze?

I always have, which is good, because I tend to sneeze in threes. How about you?

Heck no. As an old lady, I run the risk of sneezing at both ends simultaneously. :eek:

Interesting that people have a sneeze number. I always sneeze in twos; my husband usually sneezes in multiples of 12!

I voted neutral because I usually am. However, when I happen to have bronchitis and am trying to clear my chest without irritating airways, doing my huff coughs and so forth, I find sneezes seem to clear things out pretty well without any irritation. I can’t quite imitate the action, but it seems really ideal for my chest.

I have what I understand is a genetic condition (photic sneezing) whereby when I leave a dark space into a well lit area (such as from a building into a sunny day) I sneeze. I really enjoy those moments.

One of life’s small, wonderful moments is having a sneeze that’s allllllllmost upon you, almost missing it and then actually sneezing. It’s very satisfying.

No. I get annoyed when I have to, but I don’t sneeze often; so there’s that. Sometimes I’m able to quell the sneeze: not hold it in, but prevent it from happening.

I sneeze relatively quietly: that is, my vocal chords aren’t engaged. When I sneeze it just sounds like a sudden brief “whoosh”. A lot like how a cat sneezes.

Gotta’ say I’ve met some pretty dramatic sneezers in my life. Some damn near scream. Some chain-sneeze like an old GF I had. A loud sneeze followed by an immediate and loud gasp…9 or 10 times in a row. Damn, that’s gotta’ hurt.

Nothing beats the satisfaction of a fully unhindered sneeze. Usually it’s unvoiced as BrickBat describes, but if I’m at home or otherwise not in public, I’ll let loose the loudest sneeze-scream you’ve ever heard, then enjoy the endorphin rush for the next minute or so as the windows stop rattling.

A sneeze is an eighth of an orgasm.”

I sometimes have that. I first experienced it when I got contacts. You have to sneeze (for me, it was usually twice), because not sneezing is like blue-eye-balls. When I wear glasses, it is much less common.

I dislike sneezing enough that I’ve taught myself to almost entirely suppress it. No more spray! No more loud noise! No more unsanitary hands/elbows/armpits/whatever you sneeze into! Just a twitch and muffled grunt.

I do pretty much always have to blow my nose afterwards, but that’s better than the blast.

Until about a decade ago, I didn’t mind sneezing. I nearly always only sneezed two or three times in a row. Also, I’m a photic sneezer, too, which is sort of a fun, weird thing.

But, these days, when I start sneezing, it’s often more a series of 10 to 12, and after about 6, I’m pretty sick of it.

I love a good sneeze, and like Elendil’s Heir, I always sneeze in threes. Maybe it’s a Cleveland thing.

If I feel a sneeze coming but it doesn’t quite arrive, I close my mouth and inhale slowly and deeply through my nose. That almost always brings the sneeze on. Feels great!

The only time I don’t like to sneeze is if my back hurts. A vigorous sneeze can hurt it even more.

Neutral, it does feel good but sometimes its annoying, and while driving dangerous.

I’m a random sneezer. Sometimes going from dark to bright causes a sneeze, sometimes not. I will sneeze in singles, doubles or triples, or some combination(sneeze, sneeze pause pause pause sneezesneeze) up to 4 sneezes. If i get stuck in a longer sneezure, it will always be a multiple of 3 but they will all be singles or doibles after the 4th sneeze.

I used to have a sneeze like a shotgun, and damn it felt good when I finally got it out and cleared my nose up.

Unfortunately I twice have have screwed up my back(pinched nerve, Sciatica) for a couple weeks with a big sneeze, so now the feeling of a building blast fills me with terror, and I have figured out a force a premature sneeze, or actually several of them, but it is not at all satisfying, and feels very wrong.

Oh boy! Another Poll: Poll:! That’s nothing to sneeze at!

The bee’s sneeze, as it were?

I have the same condition and sneeze like clockwork when I step outside. I also find them very enjoyable, and am basically conditioned to tilt my head up when I step into the light so as to more quickly trigger the reaction.

I find ‘real’ sneezes (those caused by dust or otherwise) to be much less pleasant.

I remember hearing a joke when I was a teenager about a parent trying to explain to his young son what an orgasm was, how it felt, building up and building up, and finally going over the edge and letting go. And the kid said “Oh, like sneezing.”

I didn’t say it was a funny joke, but it had orgasms in it and that’s all a teenager really needs.

Anyway, I voted no, I don’t like sneezing. It’s an unintended loss of control, other people don’t like it when you sneeze around them (even if you do the approved “sneeze into your elbow” thing) and I always feel worse afterwards than before. I would much rather clear my sinuses some other way.

I don’t mind sneezing once or twice. It’s a relief, usually. What I don’t like is when I wake up in the morning and sneeze continuously, like, 27 times, until my whatever-I-took kicks in (Flonase works best for these situations, for me).

I had a friend who loved to sneeze and she would twist a tissue into a small cone and stick it up her nose to stimulate sneezes. Weird.

I have always enjoyed an occasional sneeze. I have photic sneeze reflex and will sometimes walk into sunlight or stare at a lamp to purposely make myself sneeze.