Poll: do you make your bed?

I keep the covers down and the ceiling fan off for the first hour or so of the day, to air things out. After that I pull the covers up and straighten things out. Normally I don’t care at all about a made bed but have found by keeping the sheets and pillow covered during the day keeps the allergens down, so less asthma issues while I’m sleeping.

No, my Maid makes it


I NEVER used to make my bed unless someone I wanted to impress was coming over. Then I got into a relationship with the person I wanted to impress, and now that we live together it’s expected. DOH!

Only when company is coming over.

All tucked in and smoothed out, with plumped pillows after changing the linens or when company is company, and more casual the rest of the time.

I like nice crisp fresh sheets, and like to do them justice when they first go on. After that, straightening & smoothing out the comforter is enough, and I use a comforter instead of a blanket and spread because they’re supposed to look a little lumpy.

But there’s something very sad about getting into an unmade bed, like I think I don’t deserve even the simplest rewards of civilization.

I do. Our house isn’t what I would call orderly but I do like slipping into a neat and well arranged bed at night. So every morning as soon as I’m awake and out of bed -----

As to the last poll choice and the bed’s existence, the preferred phrasing here in South Georgia is “make up the bed.”

I never did, until I got dogs that slept on the bed during the day. I want to cover everything with the comforter so I don’t sleep in [as much] dog hair.

There’s not much to it, though. Being that they have their own side of the bed, I get minimal space to flop around in at night and when I get up all I have to do is flip the corner back in to place and the bed is made. Everything is covered up.

I subscribe to the notion that my bedroom is my oasis. I have a small sofa for reading, I have no pictures of my kids or kitchy nicknacks, and the bed is always made. Because the linens are linen, it doesn’t look smooth and perfect but for me it’s the one room in the house where calm reigns.

Really, not cotton? Are they comfortable?

I have 4 pillows and a single fleece blanket. I arrange the pillows and spread and fold the blanket so it looks good. Takes maybe 1 minute or two.

I plump the pillows and straighten or turn back the duvet and that’s it most days. Of course, when I launder the covers, everything gets fully made.

When I lived alone, never. Why bother?

Now that I live with the GF, *she *makes it. So, still never.

I voted that I’m erratic about it. Half the time isn’t really accurate. It’s quite situational; I’m more likely to make my bed in my current house than I was in my old house.

I did once make the guest room bed. It had an old mattress sitting on top of an ancient spring frame. I threw both out, modified the bed frame to hold slats, cut and installed the slats, and put in a wonderfully luxurious thick foam mattress. Voila – an antique transformed into Scandinavian style comfort. So at least once in my life, I did in fact make a bed. :slight_smile:


IMO a made bed is in an improper and uncomfortable state for sleeping in. Why would I expend effort in the morning to make my bed just so I could just unmake it to be ready for bed? I’m also not a morning person. Even if I liked a made bed I’d do it in the evening before bed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I make the bed every day because the dogs sleep on it and I don’t want them getting on my sheets, especially if they are damp or muddy from being outside. I don’t care about them on the top cover because it is there to protect the duvet and is easy to wash. My version of made is straightening the sheets and blankets and making sure the pillows are at the top - takes but a moment in the morning.

Nope. Nothing to make.

I only have a fitted sheet on the bottom. No top sheet. A doona in doona cover is on top and it just lays on the bed, not tucked in. When it’s cold I fling a blanket over top but again, nothing tucked in.

If I want to “make” the bed, I straighten the doona but generally I do that when I get in not when I get out.

I don’t make the bed. If others in my household see the need, then feel free. I just don’t care and it’s not worth one iota of my time besides changing the linen every so often.