Poll for Men: Can you shake off the last drop?

[Whiny Seinfeld voice]
But I don’t want to have a grundle.
[/ Seinfeld]

OK, well, the technical name for that area is the perineum. But my favorite colloquial name is the 'taint.

And I find that if I grab the drainpipe as far back as possible and give it several good, firm shakes, centrifugal force will get the last few drops out.

Also, I make sure I don’t have any kinks in the hose when I’m draining so that there’s no suprise encores waiting up in the indoor plumbing.

[George Carlin]
If you shake it more than twice, you’re playing with it
[/George Carlin]

I usually can. But this seems to be easier to accomplish when it’s pointing straight down, rather than at the incline typically maintained during urination. Therefore, sometimes that last drop is forced out right after reinsertion. But it’s ok since I prefer thick underwear. (I mean thick cotton boxers over those made with a thinner cotton, in case anyone gets any ideas.)

I guess so…but man, you owe me.

80% of the time, no. I’ve tried the ‘crack the whip’ method but it never works, often the drop gets launched and lands somewhere else (my face).

Nobody’s kissing you anytime soon, huh?

I wring Spike out as best I can, but sometimes he enjoys it too much. I usually settle for whacking him against the side of the urinal a few times. If somebody is in the next stall, this seems to be their cue to leave.

i have to use toilet paper. i have a vertical glans piercing and the urine gets trapped behind it . so as much as i shake it, as soon as it release it from my hand, gravity takes hold and the urine that was behind the piercing falls out into my pants resulting in a huge wet spot. so i just make sure i have a tissue or paper towel or something before i go wee

I usually spend more than 3 (or 2 or whatever, i guess i AM playing with myself) to try and get the last drop. Or i squeeze from the base a little… kinda like a toothpaste tube…:rolleyes:

I wring it out by pulling the foreskin back, pinching the penis through it, and then rolling it forward. Usually works.

Just squeeze it out, people…

I am able to shake of the last drop - but the shaking is quite violent :slight_smile:

However, I use toilet paper at home.

Well, actually, the goal is to displace the last few drops of urine with a good, strong ejaculation.

Works every time.

Wow, I’m going to try the grundle method.

Does anyone remember the SNL farce commercial selling “Stayfree Peenie Pads” to avoid those embarrasing drops on your pants?

No, but I remember Steve Martin’s penis beauty cream. IIRC, it made one’s penis extra soft and smooth.

“I guess so…but man, you owe me.”

I just got a call from my secretary asking me what’s so funny - I don’t really know what to tell her.

No matter how you shake and dance
the last two drops go in the pants.

Wear black pants.

…showing my age

You’ll wonder where the yellow went
When you wash your shorts with pepsodent.