Porn Star Name Game!

danceswithcats’s “Pimp Name” thread reminded me of this game I used to play as a teenager with my friends (or anyone else we could find :slight_smile: )

Take the name of your first pet, and the name of the first street you lived on to determine what your “porn star name” would be.

Mine is: Fluffy Calmcrest :smiley:

Puff Bonanza

That doesn’t sound so much porn as bad B western.

Baby Forrest (sic)
Nope, wouldn’t make it in the porn industry.
I’ll stick to pimpin’.

Ghetto Fabulous H. Skillz - over and out :smiley:

Ginger North.
Hmmmm, … very close to the handle of a well-known SDMB poster.

the royal family of Monaco may not care for my porn name using this formula…
it would be:

King Rainier

Snickers Fowler
Kareem Fowler.

I think I prefer Snickers.

Uh…I think I did it wrong…

Kitty 118th Ave

Mine is ‘Bonnie Westville’, I think it sounds more like a drag queen name to me.

“Rusty Rodgers” here. Haven’t decided if I’m an over-the-hill pole dancer, or just one that’s reddish-brown in/on the appropriate areas.

Dixon Essex :smiley:

Sounds more like the pimp side of the business, though

Snuffy Phillips.

More of a clown or Vaudvilian than a porn star.

Booboo Tanang

Sounds like a female pornstar. With x-large funbags.


Bailey Bailey (?)


If I go by the criterion of the OP my name would be, “Kermit Radcliff”.

If I go by the name of my 2nd pet, it would be, “Dax Radcliff”.

I think I’d do better using name #2.

Ginger Croxall.

Princess Catherine. That’s awfully innocuous.

I like my pimp name better: Snake Eyes L. Dazzle.

Elmo Cooley. That ain’t half bad, actually.

Todd Vine

Charlie Success. Hmmm… I kinda like it.

Peanuts H.

It seems lacking in some essential porn zing and the dazzle of a pimp moniker. I do look good in a fedora, however, so perhaps there is some hope for me in the pimp business after all.