Your Porn Star name...

Just been reading through Dalovindj’s thread on names, and it reminded me of how to find out what your “porn Star” screen name would be…

Firstly take the name of your first ever pet, this will become your first name…
For your last name, use your mothers maiden name…
Mine would be “Ginger Ulrich:smiley:
Childish, but funny…

Buck Porter, hey that’s no good. Howz about Buck Studly, no wait Buck Dong yeah!

Pretty Kitty Mahon

No joke. What can I say - I was only 7 when I named my first pet. When it grew past a kitten we called it “Pretty Girl”. I think the kitty version works better here.

DaLovin’ Dj

Wait–I thought it was your first pet’s name and the name of the street on which you grew up?

Well, my Porn Star name is Mystie… something

OK…I heard that this formula was to find you transvestite identity (though this assumes it’s a male transvestite). The formula I head was:

First name: the name of the first pet you ever owned.
Last name: the first street you lived on (alt. street you grew up on, if it’s not the same thing).

Either or, it’s either Anonymous Tillamook or Anonymous Junipero. Either one is a mouthful…

Looks up to see thread title, cringes at that last statement… :o

Pierre Harris, or, using auntie em’s method, Pierre 24.

Pierre was a poodle. We had to get rid of him because nobody liked him, poor thing.

Luke Walraven

Or Luke Moss using Auntie Em’s.

Sounds like I make a pretty cheesy pornstar/transvestite.

Scottie Dakota here ma’am…I understand you’ve been having some trouble with your pipes…:wink:

[SUB]auntie em, you didn’t happen to live on Hymen Street, did you?[/sub]

My porn name would be the rather pedestrian (and now copyrighted…probably) Jack Johnson.

My porn name would be the rather pedestrian (and now copyrighted…probably) Jack Johnson.

“Ginger West End”??? :S

With the street name… Buck Highland. Still to pedestrian hey wait pet name + user name. Buck Stuffy. Now that’s good.

Using the pet/street method, I would be “Tiki Greentree.” Sounds rather Bond Girl. One girl in an office I used to work in would have been “Midnight Cherry!!!”

My own method for finding your Drag Name:

• First name—favorite flower.
• Last name—favorite island resort.

I would be “Daisy Barbados.”

Hey, I’m Rocky Steele, Air Conditioner Repairman. Ma’am, I need to fix this, it’s so hot in here you’re getting way too sweaty and you’re barely wearing anything at all…

[Cue tacky 70s music]

Luna Goldstein??? Nope I don’t think so!

Lucifer Lange. Got an “e” on the end because it’s more than Lang.

I’d heard the formula was 1) your middle name and 2) your home street, which gives me the nom de porn of Eric Stratford.

There are a lot of variations on this game, and we’re seeing all of them here.

The first version I ever heard was, "How to get your name as a soap opera character: Combine your middle name and the street you grew up on (that made me Damien Broadway… not TOO bad).

Middle Name/Street Grew Up On: Lyn Bel Estos
First Pet/Street Born On: Ginger Chestnut
First Pet/MMN: Ginger Martin (Which sounds like a drink to me)
Flower/Island: Snapdragon Maui

first pet and MMN: Tarmy Barsness (what a turn-off)
first pet and street grew up on: Tarmy Ravenscroft (kinda like it!)
flower: Vanilla Planifiola (never been to an island resort :frowning: )

First pet/MMN: Tangles Young
First pet/Street: Tangles Orchard