Post-Its for Computer Desktop

I’m looking for something that lets me post virtual post-its on my computer desktop. The reason being that the real ones fall off and may get lost. I may also work from home and would like to see what reminders I have.


3M sells software for this. See

Oh I should probably mention that I am cheap so I am looking for some freeware preferably something open-source.

oh 'L

Mac OS has had “stickies” for years. It is free and comes free as a part of the operating system. Not open source though.

Download the Yahoo! Widget Engine and then get one of the sticky note widgets. There are many, many other useful widgets as well.

I’ve been using Stickies! for years now. It’s a great program- in addition to leaving little notes to yourself on your desktop, you can also send them over the network to other computers. Very customizable- and completely free.

I love 'em.

You can use Notepad and save it to Desktop.

Then just click on it to see contents. Avoids the clutter

Thanks for posting this. I just installed it and seems really cool!

If you’ll have access to the internet, you can set up a free account at They give you a space you can use to post things that work like post-its. A huge advantage is that you can access it from anywhere you can access the internet.

Another freebie is ATnotes.

I’d like to second this. I just installed this and it seems to be what I need.

Thanks all for the suggestions.