Does anyone know if there are any offical books that follow what happens after season 7 of Buffy? I’d love to read what happened after all the slayers were awakened and what the Scooby gang did after Sunnydale.
I have read Fray by Joss Whedon and it does give some insight as to what happened in between but very few details. I’m dying to know why what happened happened.
Unspoiler type-info: Fray takes place several hundred years in the future, fairly stock setting - megacities with flying cars, energy weapons, etc. There is nothing specific to Buffy and Sunnydale in Fray but some general info was provided.
Spoiler info about Fray
Fray says that for the past few hundred years, slayers have disappeared. I’m not sure if they were mostly wiped out or were sucked out when the hell/demon dimension was sealed off from this one - I’ll have to go back and re-read that part. The Watchers have all but complete disbanded (only insane fanatics remain). There is nothing specific to how the demon dimension was sealed off, if Buffy was involved (although she is alluded to in one scene), or how soon after Buffy this took place.
Note that Fray was written before Buffy S7. The universe described therein doesn’t really jibe with what happened in the Buffy finale.
Although I haven’t read it since it came out, I recall that the allusion to Buffy (the person) ParadoxMan mentions doesn’t synch up with the end of the series; it could be chronicling events later in Buffy’s life or it could be referring to a later slayer altogether.
As to the OP, there are a couple episodes of Angel that deal with the issues mentioned.
Actually … the past-history of Fray could jibe very well with the events of Season 7 Buffy.
For starters - the mystical weapon Fray got hold of - was the scythe thing later introduced in S7 Buffy. Whedon provided a tangible link there.
The past-history referred to a great mystical battle with the last slayer and her allies, yadda yadda - after which no more were called. And magic was banaished, yadda yadda, or something, I forget. It’s been a while.
Now think of that great battle mentioned in Fray in the context of Buffy and the Slayer-Squad showing up to help Angel Inc. in battling the forces of Wolfram and Hart, in the alleyway. Who knows what metaphysical havoc a battle like that would wreak? The spell that ensures new Slayers are chosen could be broken - or weakened.
There’s at least one story that I can think of in the recent *Tales of the Vampires comic book series that takes place post-season 7, but I can almost guarantee that it will be considered non-canon the minute some other post -s7 stuff is released.
It deals with a post-s7 Xander having been Dracula’s servant again for an extended period of time (a year, I think, although I don’t have the issue with me) and Buffy showing up with some other slayers to get him back. It’s actually a pretty fun story that makes you feel bad for Dracula, but again, I seriously doubt that anyone considers it canon.
And, of course, from Angel we know that, what, Xander is in Africa, Buffy and Dawn are in Rome (with Buffy apperantly dating The Immortal), and Willow and (blearg) Kennedy are in Brazil? Something like that?