Power Point to Word Doc??

Hi all,

Someone has sent me a Power Point presentation to edit which is full of mistakes. Of course, clicking anywhere on a page simply takes me to the next page. Is there a way to copy and paste the document into Word so I can swiftly make the necessary changes, and then put it back in Power Point? I am running Windows XL with Microsoft Office, and I believe Power Point is included, but I’ve never used Power Point. I also have another machine with Windows Me and Word 2000 but no Power Point. Is that even required?

Thanks–still learning, obviously.

My guess is that you’re viewing it in Slide Show - perhaps it’s saved as a PPS file? Rather than double-clicking it, save it to your desktop, then launch PowerPoint, goto File | Open, and navigate to the file. Even if it’s a PPS file this will open it in Edit mode rather than Slide Show and you’ll be free to make changes.