President Donald Trump: "Democrats Produce Mobs, Republicans Produce Jobs"

If so, why is the last 21 months of job creation basically the same as the 21 months prior to that?

“We’re raising the deficit so we can keep doing what was already happening!”

Ehhhh… This is a bit like asking, “Don’t you like the gold-flake caviar pizza I bought by mortgaging the house?”

On one hand, of the more persistently ignored lessons of the past two decades is that tax cuts are not great for job creation. They help a little bit, but nowhere near as much as actual stimulus does. It probably helped a little, but as previously pointed out, the Trump Bump is pretty invisible.

On the other hand, it’s a ridiculously expensive handout to the super-rich. What’s more, it’s being done during a time where the economy is overwhelmingly sound, where anti-cyclical economic policies would dictate that we start to pay down that debt we took on digging ourselves out of a hole in the last recession.

So, yeah. It may have had some effect, but that effect was a huge boondoggle intended first and foremost to reward rich republican donors. So it’s pretty hard to give him credit for it.

Exactly. If there was demand for widgets that the widget company couldn’t meet because it didn’t have and couldn’t borrow the money to expand operations, then a tax cut would help.

We’re at the opposite place. Too much money sloshing around at the top, and not enough viable investments for it to go into, because even with full employment, workers still don’t have enough spending money to create the demand that would justify those investments.

As a result of the angry mob’s conduct, the building reportedly had to be locked down by Secret Service and law enforcement.

Democrats produce Wealth, Republicans take your Health!

Video by Miami Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio depicts Miami GOP Chairman Nelson Diaz leading a mob of angry Republicans demanding that a Democratic campaign office “open up” during a visit by the House Minority Leader.

LOL. Now that might be a truthful slogan: “the GOP hasn’t destroyed all the jobs Obama created yet.” Go with that.

Democrats apply polling, Republicans prefer… ummm… gimme a minute…

Really? Was HRC “applying polling” when she decided she didn’t need to campaign in Wisconsin?

Khashoggi died in a brawl.
Putin will not meddle in the fall.
We’re going build a great big wall.
Gullible Trumpers believe it all.

Dump Chump Trump, Give Dems a Bump.

Republicans are traitorous cowards, Democrats are traitorous cowards.

It rhymes!

Pelosi Hillary Soros and Mexicans! Doesn’t matter if it rhymes, scream it!

HD, I provided a cite that showed that the first and second most jobs were created under Clinton and Obama, followed by Reagan. Also, LBJ created the most jobs on a percentage basis (maybe women entering the workforce?) for a two-term president, and FDR created the most on a percentage basis overall. I know I’m not yelling and making rhymes, but do you care to address that? It seems to refute Trump’s claim.

Also, can you cite that there are more Democratic mobs than Republican? I’m not seeing that at all. The Proud Boys really do seem to be Republican, since they get invited to places by Republicans, but no one invites the antifa anywhere (except George Soros, of course).

Elections is like Great Debates in that you’re encouraged to cite your claims. Have any cites?


Yes? what did you think she was using, a Ouija board?

President Trump has been in office for less than two years. Can you spot the problem with doing a strait numerical comparison with someone who was in office for eight years?

We could, I suppose if you like, compare his first 21 months with Obama’s, but I think we both know how that would go.

I doubt anyone has done any statistical analysis on which side has “more” mobs, which is why I never claimed “more”. I wanted this discussion to be about the anticipated political effects of Trump’s campaign slogan. This paragraph above did raise a question in my mind though: Do you not consider Antifa to be left-wing / Democratic / progressive?

She was wrong. Does it really matter if she was using bad polls or a Ouija board or her “gut” or some overpaid campaign adviser?

The political results of the slogan will be that Trump voters will say: “Hyuk, he tells it like it is, don’t he?” and support Trump just like they were already going to do. Those that don’t support Trump will rightly say: “What a fucking moron. Again.”

You didn’t ask me but I’ll answer… Antifa are anarchists for the most part. You could maybe shoe horn them in to the left wing if you were highly motivated. They are definitely not Democratic or progressive.

I compared Obama’s last 21 months with Trump’s first 21, and they are pretty much in the same ballpark. Trump has about 200,000 more jobs created during that time, which could be an effect of the stimulus of $200 billion in new deficit spending. So, Trump is having Americans pay $1 million for each additional job created over Obama’s baseline.

Left wing, yes. Democratic, no.

Do you consider the Klan to be conservative/Republican?