Preteens say the darndest things

Pre-teen is usually used to refer to those very near to puberty, folks (11,12). Has been for many years. Differentiates them from kids of 9 or 10, who have a little farther to go, and from the 13 and 14 year olds who’ve already been smacked over the head by the puberty-fairy.

Heh…at least you folks are talking to your children, answering their questions.

Unlike my parents, who’s ears suddenly fill with cement whenever I asked.

What’s so funny about a station wagon with wood trim exterior panels?

They have to be extra lubricated to get into the garage.

I’m considering buying a new vehicle…so we’re driving around and my daughter says…

“Dad, you should get a Hummer!”

None at all?

“Ahhhh, there are TWO woodies in this scene…”

  • Crow T