Salutations, all! (Too pretentious? Then how about: Aloha!)
Today, I took the Big Jump: shelled out fifteen beans and joined the world of the living. Lurked for a month, pseudojoined for a month, and this is it.
Swore I wouldn’t be the sort who makes a big thing about joining; no-one knows me from Adam, yet I’m just so darned excited to be in the (virtual) midst of so many like-minded individuals, I just gotta say
Welcome aboard, Daithe! Glad to see you make the leap…
Now then, before you get too comfortable, there are just a few minor…errr…formalities to take care of. If you’d just step over into that room over there…yes, I know, we’ve been meaning to fix the lighting fixture. It’s on the to-do list. Yes, right over there, that’d be fine.
Ok guys! Got another one, ready for the initation! Someone grab a goat outta storage!
Yeah, if “prithee” isn’t pretentious, then “salutations” is about on the level of “howdy, y’all.”
Yeah, I was kind of torn between “Prithee” and “Avaunt!” So hard to choose…
Diogenes, thanks for the notice. No-one I know gets the joke. I guess that’s why I’m here, right?
And for the record, the strangest thing just happened: I’m standing there in the dark with my pants off, enjoying the breeze, and I realize my shoelace is untied. I bend over to tie it, and something huge goes swooping right by me! I coulda been killed!
Apparently the inspiration for our newest victi … er, valued member’s screen name was an old Irish cartoon called Daithi Lacha. Makes me wonder if there’s a reason for the Daithe spelling – perhaps a matter of gender as well?
No prob, Kythereia – just don’t expect me to let you “help” with the calamari.
Welcome, DL! I keep sigs disabled, and I’m not gonna click on your profile to see it, because the four years of high-school Latin are several decades in the past, and I don’t want to start off feeling dumb with you.
Now, just stand still while I get this vat in position…
Don’t worry about any of the odd things that happen around here. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Any references to calamari, goats, or initiation rituals are simply a running injoke that has no effect on reality. Honest.
:: innocent look ::
:: big puppy eyes ::
[sub]twickster, Kythereia, was that the vat of calamari from The Prof’s initiation? Ey’s not still in there, is ey? And has anyone changed the filter on the recirculator or rinsed the goats?
Ooh, so many choices for the interpretation of “felching,” especially per Wickipedia. As long as the goat doesn’t try to leave a Cleavland Steamer on me, I guess I’m cool with it. Maybe I have to suck the calamari out of the go…
awww… I guess this means I can’t put my pants back on yet, right?
Maybe I should just go hang out in The Pit!
PS contacted TubaDiva re: name change - thanks, all