Problem children / punch list for fixes / TIPS AND TRICKS

Password hash does not transfer in most installations; it would be a security risk if it did, among other things.

We told you going in that you would have to set a password when you got here. And we told you why.

It’s that you had a bad password coming here for the first time. You had NO password here.

your humble TubaDiva


your humble TubaDiva

A couple of the long BBQ pit threads look like they are still locked

Please send me links. Those threads will have to be re-opened by a moderator.

Better yet, please report them to a moderator and have them reopen them for you.

Sorry for your inconvenience.

your humble TubaDiva

No harm — the “no password” status just ended up presenting in an unexpected way. I was expecting a “reset password” screen to be pushed to us upon our first log-in attempt. I didn’t immediately hit upon using the “Forgot password” function but once I did, it did the trick.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Is there a way to stay logged in?

I for one am permanently logged in. I wonder how I can log out.


Click your icon on the top-right, then your name again. You’ll get a drop-down menu with an entry to log-out.

Thank you . I have followed your instructions successfully. :slight_smile:

Let’s see if it works better this morning… Last night when i tried to post i just got a spinning wheel. It never resolved into a 502 error, but it wasn’t any better an experience. Maybe worse, since the software complained when I tried to navigate away.

I’ve found that the theme “Discourse - Classic” is a good glare-cutter while still having text that’s easy to read. The posts themselves still have a white background but there are breaks between posts so you can tell them apart and the rest of the background is grey.

Dark Theme I find the actual text too hard to read.

Discourse - Classic is almost perfect glare and readability-wise for me.

Click your avatar (upper right) > on pulldown menu, click your name > Preferences > Interface > Theme
(yeah, click-click-click all over the place!)
There’s a “dark” theme that pretty much inverses the screen colors.
Another discourse website I’m on has other custom themes, including “All black everything”. Probably impractical.

edit: but, everyone told you that already. Sigh. Still, custom themes in the future, including all black.

All of the existing themes use far too little of the screen for the actual content of posts. Is there any way to get rid of the empty white space on the left and right?

So is there the possibility to design our own themes? Or import them from other Discourse boards?

I’m not suggesting we could each individually upload our own as that would be uncontrollable madness, but if someone was so inclined could they design something and offer it to the mods for consideration? Or could we request a theme from another board?

I think there should be a sticky somewhere to tell people how to actually log in to this new board. It isn’t immediately obvious and not everyone here is tech savvy. Also for setting a new password.

Removing “likes” undermines gamificaiton, which is an integral part of Discourse. The number and frequency of likes you get and receive is a factor in your “trust level”.

In addition to old spoiler & quote tags not working, some other formatting tags are broken as well. For example, the list & size tags used in this thread are diplaying as plaintext rather than triggering formatting.

  • My browser scroll bar and home and end keys are broken. If I scroll to the bottom of the page, for example (or hit end), more content is loaded, and my scroll bar position is moved from right under me, and I’m not longer at the bottom of the page.

    • This is probably related to the infinite scrolling, which we were told would not be forced upon us.
  • The list of forums on the main page is broken. Instead of each new item being on a new line, they all kind of run together, like a paragraph (inline vs block elements?). This is frustrating, because a list of forums that I want to navigate to is not prose to be read; it’s a list, and list items are supposed to start on newlines.

  • The list of posts is aesthetically not pleasing.

  • From the list of posts, I have no idea which threads I’ve participated in.

  • I’ve got 5120 horizontal pixels, and my browser is full screen. Why is everything bunched up in 20% of my browser window’s width? I’m on a computer, not a phone. Is Discourse so poorly written that it can’t use basic CSS to behave properly? Instead of crappifying things with endless scrolling, sticking to web standards would have been nice.

Except play a factor in your “trust level”. TPTB may have to tweak their gamification if likes are disabled. Otherwise, nobody will reach TL2 or higher.