Alert! If you want to be In Style, tune in to Bravo at 10pm/9pm for Episode One of this season of THE RUNWAY!!! I can’t wait. (And it looks like they’re reprising all of Season One during the day today, leading up to a couple of episodes of QUEER EYE and then THE RUNWAY.

I’m a Dope! The name of the show is PROJECT RUNWAY! How can I be such a fan if I can’t even get the title right?

Yay! I missed the first season the first time around and then started reading the recaps on TelevisionWithoutPity. I’m excited to finally catch it first run.

I presume you see what Jay has been up to!

There is a planned one-hour special on Jay; but it hasn’t been announced when it will air. Tonight is a new competition with new designers, and one returning reject, and new challenges.

I hope the contestants are as good as the first season. Jay and freinds were what made the show, not the show concept or anything.

Wednesdays are now officially TV heaven in the Derkins house. America’s Next Top Model (yeah, I admitted it), Veronica Mars, and Project Runway.

I’m unplugging the phone, y’all.

What? What’s Jay been up to?

So far what really stands out for me is the fact that they are bypassing most of the more outrageous people in favor of the ones that actually seem competant.

And Wendy still needs to put on some fucking lipstick.

I went from “Oh gawd, why are they bringing back the Bliss Boy??” to really rooting for Daniel by the end of the ep. He seems so sweet, his heart is in every design, and he has the most elegant, tailored pieces.

Santino seems brilliant, but loaded with ego. Saying, “They just didn’t want to give me two in a row,” right in front of the person who just won? Not very sportsmanlike.

I know! I was just hoping they wouldn’t eliminate Daniel because he would be crushed.

annie, I’ve fixed the thread title for you.

I forgot to watch it. I’ve met contestant Diana Eng. How was she?

There’s nobody obvious to root for yet, for me. I was so glad when Jay won last year because I loved him and Austin. I wouldn’t have been disappointed if Kara Saun had won either. And though I didn’t love her work, I liked Nora. But this year all the women seem really bland. I’m not too impressed with them. Maybe they just start slow.

Santino turns me off. He’s too full of himself. Nick is starting to become my favorite person; but I’m not sure he has the chops to win.

I don’t think the women seem bland, it’s just that there were too many people to cover, so they focused in on a handful for this episode. I am sure that several who are flying under the radar will get more coverage – and so get more interesting – as the season progresses.

I thought the designs were pretty cool this time around – I really lived a couple of the muslin ones. I think it’s going to be a good crew.

First episodes of reality shows are so difficult: too many people, everybody strange. And I kept falling asleep, so I am seriously hoping there will be a replay of both hours over the weekend, during the day, so I can see what I missed.

But what was with that weird crying guy?

How’d Andrae do?

He was the weird crying guy. He had a meltdown ont he runway that was unncomfortable to watch.

I feel so bad for Daniel Franco, coming back and trying again. He looks stressed out but I did like his second design.

NYT just ran an interesting article about the dominance of gay males in fashion. Evidently, 85% of incoming students to fashion schools are women but something like over half of name designers are gay men.

Anyway, the article mentiones that of the eight male contestents on Project Runway, seven are gay. So who’s not gay? Santino? Anyone know?

15 minutes on the the Bravo P:R page has yet to reveal… Who got elimininated.

So did Andrae get cut or just have a freak out? (Either way work is going to be kind of awkward tonight)

He’s still in it. He really let the pressure get the best of him, though.