Don’t any of you pimpwars participants ever get tired of that game? Personally, it’s becoming quite old IMHO.
I do not participate in the game as I find the whole concept quite juvenile.
Does anyone else share my sentiment?
Don’t any of you pimpwars participants ever get tired of that game? Personally, it’s becoming quite old IMHO.
I do not participate in the game as I find the whole concept quite juvenile.
Does anyone else share my sentiment?
Plus, it’s confined to ONE thread. If you don’t like it, don’t mothafuckin’ read it.
MSK, you’ve gotten pretty old.
What the hell are you talking about? Link please?
I think MSK is probably referring to Pimpwar being the dominant topic in chat lately.
Don’t worry MSK, these things go in cycles. The topic will return to deviant sex in no time.
What the hell is a pseudo-rant?
If you’re trying to be funny, that’s fine, but your OP doesn’t read that way.
If you instead meant “mini-rant”, then please take a long suck on Deez Nutz.
Rep’s right, MSK. Another couple of weeks and they’ll all be tired of the game. Just grit your teeth and think of the Straight Dope until then. I do agree, for those of us not playing the game, the chat channel turns incomprehensible sometimes. But let them have their fun and get back to the important stuff like flirting and talking about deviant sex later.
jayjay (thanks, rep…you restored my faith in Dopers…)
Most of us have been playing for a week and a half. It has not gotten old for us because we have something called AN ATTENTION SPAN.
Don’t like the thread? You’re not contractually obligated to read it, as has been said before and will be said in the future when people (though you yourself do not appear to be doing this) complain about a thread they read.
Don’t like chat? Here’s a neat-o command that you, yes even YOU, can use:
/ignore username
where username is the person you want to ignore. I find it works lots better than “MSK is ignoring Manservant because he finds his pimping to be not only juvenile, but possessing an attention span superior to that of the common fruit fly”.
Did the rules about bringing up chat anywhere as a thread topic change? Last I heard this was not done . . . #sd not being linked to the SDMB and all that. ::goes off to find Jophiel’s boilerplate::
Thanks reprise but…what IS “Pimpwar”? A board game? A tv show? A new method for acne removal? I hate OPs like this.
I’ve heard better rants from four-year-olds.
Sorry, I meant to add this to my post:
Fenris– Link.
does SDMB search on “pimpwars”
Here’s the thread they were talking about.
To distill it further, check out
Curse you, Audrey!
(Just to clarify that last bit, Audrey’s message only showed up in my preview – they weren’t really posted 18 minites apart!)
Oh yeah?
:::sigh::: :rolleyes:
I should have known better than to enter the pit. I digress. Perfect example of the saying: “If you can’t the heat, stay out of the kitchen!” (or in this case, the BBQ pit) I had better just keep to myself from now on.
I would appreciate it if a moderator would close this thread please.
I’ve read enough of the pimpwars thread to become slightly ill. Makes me wonder how easily the ummm, ethics of the game insinuate themselves into the real lives of the players.
Spot the loony!
Enough to where I’d put you on the curb and make you turn tricks for my money, biiyatch.
Not a bad idea Hec, I DO need financial backing for my “Wheel-a-ho” business.
Lord knows I won’t get it from MSK.