Punny business names

Hairdressers go in for this quite a lot. “A Cut Above” is not uncommon, and decades ago, there was one near me called “Jefferson Hairplane”.

And there is or was a florist in Ealing (London) called “Whoops A Daisy”.

A friend, now retired, had a lawn care business he called ALL GREEN. I got access to his computer and played around, changing ALL to AL and swapping the mowers and grass for musical notes and Al’s likeness.

That wasn’t meant to be a pun - the pork store was on Forest Avenue, a couple of miles from Forest Park.

From when I lived in south Florida:
Hannah and Her Scissors: Hair salon actually run by someone named Hannah. This was closer to when the movie “Hannah and Her Sisters” was relevant.
Sherwood Florist: Flower store, obviously.

When I was growing up in Chapel Hill, there was a Mexican restaurant called Besa mi Burro. Supposedly the bluehairs on the town sign committee or whatever were up in arms and tried to force a name change, but couldn’t find anything in the ordinance against a name that, the owner innocently explained, simply meant “Kiss my Donkey.”

never mind

There’s an auto body shop near me that I drove past a lot until I got the joke. It’s called Auto Correct.

I drove by a new tattoo shop this weekend, called The Tatt Cave. It’s either the best or worst tattoo shop name I’ve ever seen.

Same here. There’s a few of theses and apparently it was a Simpsons gag, too.

We had a Chinese restaurant called Wok This Way up the street. And I’ve seen Pho King — I’m sure there’s a few of these. Pho Cue is a new one on me. Nice variation. (And to those that don’t know, while the pun works with the “foe” pronunciation well enough, the proper pronunciation of “pho” is more like “fuh,” making the pun transparent.)

Milwaukee has Hernia Movers, and their slogan is The Potentate of Totin’ Freight.

The mass transit system in the SF Bay Area is Bay Area Rapid Transit, or BART. The shuttle bus system in Berkeley that takes students to the station was known as Humphrey Go-BART.

There’s one near me with the slogan, “We Meet By Accident.”


This doesn’t quite fit the OP, but it’s worth relating anyways. Spent a career in the pharmaceutical industry; people who did veterinary pharmaceuticals were intrinsically more fun than the human side. The UK trade organization is called the National Organisation of Animal Health. The principle publication used to be (seemingly it no longer exists) Animal Pharm.


Another hairdressers, that I saw in Sydney, Australia: Luvyado.

(Stress on the last syllable!)

I used to live by a Mexican restaurant called “The Whole Enchilada”

Florist in Oklahoma City called “Floral and Hardy”.

In the gay area of Sydney (Australia), there was a restaurant called “Thai Me Up”. It looks like it closed.

Safe word, “Salmonella”.

There is a donut shop in my old neighborhood called Holly’s Healthy Holes