Q.E.D.--could I have a moment?

Q.E.D., I wanted to let you know that I’ve been rethinking a few of my posts, and that there are some I’ve directed at you that are, to be frank, far from appropriate. I want to apologize to you fully and wholeheartedly, and let you know that I meant nothing by it–it seemed funny at the time. I realize now that it’s not, and again, I apologize. I hope you can forgive me.

I don’t know what else to say.


I can’t think of a single one of your posts directed at me, or otherwise, that I though was offensive or inappropriate. Perhaps I’ve missed some, but I doubt it. If you wish to point out a particular post privately, do feel free to email me, but honestly, I don’t feel any apology is necessary. You’ve had nothing but my utmost respect as a poster.

Now, smile! I insist. :slight_smile:

(And yes, my first reaction to seeing this thread was “What the hell did I do now??”) :smiley:

Q - for having 2385 posts since this year alone - borders on remarkable, are you out for a record, or just really really like the SDMB? - you have made quite an impression on some dopers… Congrats…

hey did you ever find a good latin sig? I went for a hike after I posted the last time to your hunt for a sig thread?

Well, if I was out to set a record, I could have done so much easier without putting any sort of time, effort or thought into most of my posts, now couldn’t I? :smiley:

Fact is, yes, I do like it here. I’ve never encountered a message board where there was such a gathering of insightful, intelligent, witty, and just-plain-nice folks (with the very occassional asshat to keep things interesting). It’s also nice to know I’ve made as much an impression on others as they have on me.

And, no, i’venot yet picked a sig, though I’m still open to suggestions. There are some translation requests awaiting you in the other thread.

[sub]<bernse picks his nose and flicks it at the wall>[/sub]


I stand corrected! :smiley:

Alrighty - but it’ll have to wait till I get home, I am in dire need of leaving my office right now, there is only so much I can do in one day before my cerebellum short circuits and I start forget my name and bark at the moon. :slight_smile:

No, I believe bernse was just demonstrating what kind of behavior one might expect from an ‘asshat.’ Isn’t that right, bernse? :stuck_out_tongue:

And, at this rate, in about 26 months, he will have overtaken handy.:eek:

I also apologize to Q.E.D.

And well you should. Bad, bad bup!
Wait, what was it you did now?

::smiles and hocks a loogie at bernse’s wall::

That’ll teach him! (good loogie-hocking technique, btw).

I support this thread. I’ve noticed a few posters lately who could do with an apology to Q.E.D.

Stop pushing me…I gonna do it!

toe shuffle, head down

Q.E.D., I sorry I cursed at you at 13A on the Turnpike - I hadta get to Ikea before they closed and you were going the speed limit. Oh, if that wasn’t you, then I’m sorry I wished evil monkeys on the back of your neck on Route 1. Um, if that wasn’t you, then I’m sorry I flipped you the bird sniffle coming out of the parking lot of the Quik Stop in, oh I don’t remember which one, but I’m so very sorry. If that wasn’t you, then I’m sorry I cerbally transported you to Pluto while driving on the GSP (that wasn’t you?)…wait a minute, I’ll get to you eventually, I’m sure…I’m do so deeply apologize for [insert naughty behavior] while driving [insert anywhere in New Jersey].

I promise to be good. sniff

Awwwwww…you’re forgiven, branchy, errr, brokey, ummmm, bruckho…oh heck, rhino. :smiley:

Thank you. (brachy is fine. And it’s brack-ee-rink-os. No rhinos - I must keep the illusion of femininity.):stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never noticed before, but I’d always assumed Q.E.D. had been here a while, longer than me anyway, and I had only just recently noticed him. I have to say, I’m greatly impressed. And I don’t remember doing anything, but if it’ll make Q.E.D. feel better, I’m sorry, too. For anything you want me to be. Almost.

Bring me cookies (chocolate chip only) and all is forgiven.