Quee . . . ?

Er . . . I’m lost for the moment, there’s too much to see around here . . .

Oh! Right! I believe an introduction is in order . . .

Hello. My name is Kitsune. I’m Cougarfang’s boyfriend ^^.

I’ve signed up to see her reaction to me suddenly joining and posting, but after joining, I have suddenly found myself in the situation that I have NO IDEA what I’m doing . . . . ^^;;

Some help would be nice, and as I can’t seem to find it a link to the welcoming thread would be appreciated . . .

I don’t think there is a welcoming thread. I’ll use this one. WELCOME!

Probably the MPSIMS forum would be a better place to introduce yourself; this forum is supposed to be for questions of a factual nature…

Welcome to the boards.

Just ignore me; I thought i was in GQ

Be welcome. Enjoy your stay.

::runs clothed through thread::


Welcome, Kitsune. Hope you come to like it here.

Just stay back from the velvet ropes - those guards are here for a reason.


Have you collected your plastic gibbon from stores? Matron will be checking.

Hey there Kitsune… welcome to the board and be careful for all the weird people. Wait… we are the weird people… nevermind that. Welcome!

Hi and welcome! Any friend of Cougarfang’s is a friend of… erm, well, somebody. :wink:

Welcome, Kitsune. I’ve always wondered…does it hurt when Cougarfang bites?

Welcome to the boards, Kitsune. You’ll find very weird people here, but we’re not above lending people a hand when they need it.


Sticks tongue out at John and Ruby

Oh… you wanted a reaction?

What the heck were you thinking signing up on this board and now you’re posting POSTING what’ll you do next I swear…

Satisfied? :stuck_out_tongue:

[sub]P.S. They don’t do inits here. And Muad’Dib is here. Same name. Just don’t be n00by, or I’ll be very, very annoyed… ^_^[/sub]

Good to know there’s no initiations here . . .

^^ I dunno . . . It’s always been me that’s been the biter . . .

She actually doesn’t really bite, but she’s one hell of a kisser.

And as for her reaction–What, did you expect your boyfriend to actually be sane?

Ah, young love.

I think I’m gonna be sick

What does “^^” mean?

(oh, and Hi, Kitsune!)

^^ = happy anime-style face

Heh, I’m sorry for grossing you out . . .

I can’t help it, it’s a genetic defect -_-;;

Let’s get one thing straight–the Grape PopTarts are all mine.

Got that?


Otherwise, I’d have ta innerduce yez ter me Pal—

Mr. Whiffle Bat!

Just so’z we unnerstan’ each uddah, hea’. :wink: :smiley:

Right, avoid your poptarts, got it . . .


. . . I’m not gonna ask why, though . . .

So, Muad posts here too . . . Intriguing, I see some possibilities . . .

So what kept you? We’ve been keeping a bed for you in the east wing. Never go into the west wing, and ignore the screams and the saxophone after midnight. That’s just Fenris. He’s okay.