Queer as Folk 5/16 (and perhaps beyond); SPOILERS

So did I. She hired Justin. She hired Vic (very briefly) in Season 3 when his benefits ran out. I always thought she owned the thing.

She definitely does not own the diner. She has worked there forever, and obviously is high enough in the ranks to be able to hire staff, though.

Showtime’s website confirms there are 14 episodes in this season. Episode 8 just aired.

The series has been picked up for at least one more season.

God. I. Hate. Brian. I hope the cancer metastasized and he dies. What a worthless putz, treating the people who care about him the way he does. As much as I hated Teddy last year, when he was promiscuous drug using trash, will never compare to the depths of Hell Brian should burn in for all eternity. Why couldn’t they have left Vic and taken him?

I agree that Debbie obviously doesn’t own the diner. But how long has she worked there? She couldn’t have bought that house and everything on a diner salary, I’d imagine. So what did she do before? I always pictured Debbie as having worked another job before, maybe retiring or some such, and then gone to work in the diner to help support Vic when his illness became a problem.

I agree that Lindsey and the artist is stupid. Why don’t they ever do good stories for the lesbians?

Here is something that has been bothering me.

A few epsodes ago, Justin has the guy who bashed him, on his knees with a gun in his mouth, begging for his life. And then? Never another word spoken about it. Wouldn’t this guy have gone to the police by now? Shouldn’t Justin be in jail? Not that I ddidn’t mind watching that asshole squirm but what are the odds that something like this is just swept under the rug? I wonder if this is going to be revisited in a later episode.

They sort of suggested that the basher would never say anything as it would make him look weak in front of his buddies, plus there is the matter of “prove it”…meaning his word against Justin’s. Doubt it would hold up in a court of law, although they kept making a point of filming close-ups of Justin handling (fingerprints) the gun. I thought the gun was going to show up as evidence in a murder or something.
I was glad to see that storyline end, but who knows if they will bring back psycho-Gay-vigilante for some out-of-nowhere cameo assassination plot.

Thoughts on last nights episode.

Interesting twist with Emmet. I though for sure he was going to get raped. It would appear (by the previews of next week) that he enjoyed himself. It will be even more interesting if the jocks wife finds out.

Is it just me or is Ben getting more annoying with each episode? I almost hope he does cheat on Michael so he can get dumped.

Enough with Lindsey and the artist already. Boring.

All in all, not one of my favorite episodes, but it is seeting things up for some interesting fireworks.


I agree about Ben…this is getting ridiculous. What IS it with Michael and getting involved with men who have about a decade more education than he does? Dr. Whatsisname was a bad match (which was obvious from the beginning) and Ben isn’t much better. I ALWAYS feel like he’s talking down to Michael, no matter what the subject of the conversation is.

And Sam Whosits…the artist guy. BORING! Can we please not have one of the token lesbians fall for a straight guy? Please?

Emmett…DAMN! I’d be feelin’ some biceps (and other things) too, I think. Did you see Football Star’s slammin’ booty in the previews? heartflutter

Best. Opening scene. Ever.

The scene with Vic and the lab and the ray gun thing… MUAHAHAHA!! That was awesome.

The Lindsay/artist thing is annoying me. Ben is annoying me. Overall, though, I liked the episode. It really seems like this “C” thing is going to change the Brian/Justin dynamic quite a lot and I’m very interested to see in what ways. I just hope Brian doesn’t lose his Brian-ness.

SI it took Brian’s losing one for Justin to grow a pair. Interesting.

Much as I’m sorry that Vic is dead, I’m finding his appearances from beyond the grave to be highly entertaining.

I’m glad it didn’t turn out that Emmett was raped. I really didn’t want to deal with the fallout from that storyline, since it would either color the entire remaining series and be a big downer, or else it would would be ignored after a follow-up episode or two which would annoy me. I’m wondering if the guy considers himself gay and closeted, or bisexual, or living on the DL. Either way is fine with me as long as he gets naked.

Ben is treating Michael exactly the way David did, except that Michael has matured since the days of David’s whisking him off to Paris or buying him a gold Miata. Ben treats Michael the same way he would treat a student, but it’s only been since Michael’s been succeeding with the comic book while Ben’s novel hasn’t been picked up that he’s really been treating him like dirt. That’s the only reason he’s looking twice at the former student; it’s not his cock Ben wants stroked, it’s his ego. Which, again, is fine with me as long as the ex-student gets naked.

$20,000 for an option to develop material into a major motion picture? Anyone know anything about the film industry? Is that a reasonable amount?

I wish the boorish artist would just die but given the telegraphy in the scene with Mel and Michael it ain’t gonna happen. Maybe they’ll go full tilt soap opera and Lindsay will get knocked up.

Poor Debbie. If only she’d go to a non-gay bar she might meet a man.

And go Teddy! Way to nail that account!

Way back when, I mentioned how much I hated Michael’s taste in men…all clean-cut wimps who dream of sitting at home in their houserobe and slippers and watching Merchant Ivory films. Plus the attitude “you weren’t home and I made a pot roast! (sob sob)”

Maybe this time Michael will dump the wimp and take some nice shaved head, goatee, tattoo wearing biker with a XXX size jock. Whatever…the trite “he is a success and I am a failure” story is so lame, and what do you think are the chances that Michael’s $10,000 check arrives in the mail the exact same day as Ben’s rejection letter? Vegas should have such odds…

Regarding how much you get for an option? I have to admit, $20,000 seems a little low - but if it is an independent film there are sometimes levels of payment…$20,000 now, $20,000 when first draft finished, $50,000 when production begins, $100,000 when film is completed and then there is usually a profit sharing formula that looks good on paper, but in reality you will never see another dime. (Unless you are a famous screenwriter like Joe Esterhaz and you write a hit like Basic Instinct, studios will jump at the chance to pay $1 million for that sure-fire next hit, “Showgirls”.)

I sort of like the Emmet and football player storyline - could be interesting to see what happens with “out of closet” for a pro-athlete, but let’s see how far they take this story.

Poor Debbie, but I wouldn’t write Gus out just yet…and isn’t the name of his current lady friend, “Kathryn” the same name as his deceased wife? Is this all some sort of defense mechanizm on his part to go back to the memory of his dead wife and forget about Debbie?

And Ted…are you telling me of ALL the people working for Brian, the only person he would send to a meeting with a huge client is an ex-druggie, personality of a dial tone, accountant? I mean, Brian has no other marketing employees who maybe could have done a better job? Geez…if that is the case, his office is going to revert to a Gay sauna again faster than you can snap a towel.

I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t like the new Emmett story line. I don’t understand how he can fall for someone who so thoroughly and callously disrespected him and is such an obvious faker. Emmett always impressed me as the sanest and most grounded of all the characters, and now he’s playing up to an abuser who cheats on his wife/fiancee. What could he possibly see in the football guy? Yes, I do understand that he has the six-pack abs and whatnot, but so do the dancers at the bar. Why not go for one of them?

I was thinking that, too.

This show is terrible. Horribly written, barely acted in parts (Brian does well). If it weren’t about gay people, I wouldn’t put up with it. Everything that happens in it is telegraphed from a mile away and is all painfully obvious.

I hate it when people cheat on their partners for no good damn reason on this show. Totally destroys the character for me. And I like the two characters they’re about to ruin. Ben? Please go away now. Lindsey? I hope you die.

All they ever do on this show is take the status quo at the start of the season, and invert it for most of the characters. Brian and Justin together, apart, together. Michael doesn’t go with his man (well, does during the break), has a man, runs away, now will likely be alone. Last season Ted & Emmitt were together at the start, so they have to be apart at the end. Comic books are better written than this.

But lately, it’s the lack of creativity that gets to me, and the playing to stereotypes. It always has to be sex, not something else, that causes relationships to falter. Someone’s always cheating on someone else on the show.

Aside from Michael, I can’t say there’s anyone on the show I’d be willing to be friends with in real life.

But still, I’ll watch, because I do. And because at least there are guys kissing guys. Even if I’m so ugly that I make Ted look like Brian, I can at least relate on some level with the show.

I’m just getting tired of being insulted by it.

I haven’t seen the show in about a month, since I moved to St. Louis. I use this thread for keeping up on the happenings. But so help me, if Lindsay has an affair with a man I’ll never watch again. I’m still annoyed that they had Tina and Bette try to have a three-way with a guy on The L Word so this will push me over the edge and I’ll start damning Showtime despite the Sundance Channel.

Well Homebrew, I guess QAF has lost a viewer…

damn …

Well, I’m glad to see that Ben kicked that creepy Anthony to the curb. What sort of sick freak goes seeking death?

The Lindsey stuff is getting unbelievably dumb.

See, I’m not convinced that Ben would have kicked Anthony to the curb if not for the bug chasing. I don’t think the problems in the Ben/Michael relationship are anything other than papered over. Witness Michael’s dyspeptic look after his bit about how his favorite part of the story was when the potential gift-giver refused and went home. Although Michael’s dyspeptic look is a lot like his happy look and his sad look and his angry look and his…

I had a feeling Anthony was going to turn out to be a bugchaser. And double-ugh to the Lindsay/annoying piggish artist storyline. :frowning:

I understand it’s a Soap Opera. In fact, that’s what I like(ed) about the show. Some people were critical of it because of the promiscuity and thought it played to stereotypes. It’s certainly valid that not every gay guy is that promiscuious; but among guys that hang out in clubs like Babylon as frequently as they do, promiscuity tends to be the order of the day. The show does lack that it doesn’t reflect a wider array of characters. (when’s the last time there was some bear lovin’?)

But Lindsay having an affair with a man plays to the quite offensive notion that all a lesbian really needs is a good man. The only women I know that have identified as lesbians then got involved with a man are all nutcases anyway. I say that like there’s a bunch; but I only know 2 in real life and Anne Heche. I’m just steamed at the plot line.