If a Vulcan has sex before they go into Pon Far will they still go into Pon Far on schedule or will the clock start over? Do both male and female Vulcans go into Pon Far? Are there homosexual Vulcans? How does Pon Far work for them? Does homosexual sex prevent them from dying? Do Vulcans have to have sex with another Vulcan? Can have sex with any type of creature? Could a Vulcan have sex with the Horta?
This is all supposition and not canonical so take this with a grain of salt.
- If a Vulcan has sex before they go into Pon Far will they still go into Pon Far on schedule or will the clock start over?
I am pretty sure that Pon Farr is a neccesary aspect of Vulcan biology that was brought on by the strict adherence to the cult of logic that Surak founded. They need the release every seven years… after all, it’s not just about sex. If you remember “Amok Time”, there were other emotions present than just lust.
- Do both male and female Vulcans go into Pon Far?
This is a bit more tricky. If you go by TOS, then it seems only males go into Pon Farr since T’Pring was calm and collected while Spock was practically driven to insanity by his emotions. If you go by Enterprise, it’s not gender specific though. T’Pol suffered through it in an episode just this season, actually.
- Are there homosexual Vulcans?
I don’t see why there wouldn’t be.
- How does Pon Far work for them?
The same as it does for heterosexual Vulcans, just with different orifices involved, I would imagine,
- Does homosexual sex prevent them from dying?
I would assume so. As I said in my first answer, it’s not just about sex.
- Do Vulcans have to have sex with another Vulcan?
I doubt it. I don’t think Amanda would have liked Sarek sleeping with another woman.
- Can have sex with any type of creature? Could a Vulcan have sex with the Horta?
As long as there is some sort of appropiate orifice, I would assume so. Can they reproduce? Doubtful… at least not without medical intervention.
I would say the sex with other Vulcans is no.
In Voyager, a Vulcan member of engineering comes after Belanna while in the midst of pon-farr.
Both males and females have pon-farr. Just because T’pring isn’t in pon-farr when Spock returns, doesn’t mean she never will.
Plus, her boyfriend didn’t seem to be in pon-farr but was still willing to fight for her.
People have free will. Would you want to have sex with someone you weren’t attracted to and picked you only because they were insane with lust brought on by a disorder? She just didn’t want to sleep with him and it isn’t something that Janeway could have ordered her to do.
So far as your second point goes, Vulcans are telepathically linked to one another at seven years of age, If Spock was going through such mayhem, T’Pring would have been too.
i would like to add there is a lot of fanfic about T’Pol’s pon-farr involving various Enterprise crew members.
that is all.
My impression of Ponn Farr from the original episode Amok Time (some of this may have been contradicted by later episodes - the original was right, the later ones wrong) AIUI :
Vulcan families arrange marriages for their children. The children are linked in a manner similar to the mind meld. It is the link that causes Ponn Farr. Unjoined children don’t experience it, nor do children whose partners have died. Once past puberty, the link drives the joined partners to come together, working in a seven year cycle. If they resist the first time, it returns seven years later, stronger at each cycle, until it either kills them or they succumb. Once they mate for the first time, the cycle is broken. After that, sex is a matter of personal preference.
The combat appears to have broken the cycle for Spock, too.
So, to answer your questions:
If a Vulcan has sex before they go into Pon Far will they still go into Pon Far on schedule or will the clock start over? If it’s with their bonded partner, the cycle is broken. If it’s with someone else, the cycle continues.
**Do both male and female Vulcans go into Pon Far? ** Yes, but the mating urge is stronger in males.
**Are there homosexual Vulcans? How does Pon Far work for them? Does homosexual sex prevent them from dying? ** There may or may not be gay Vulcans. On a more general level, being bonded does not prevent sexual attraction to other people. Sex with another partner - gay or not- would not break Ponn Farr. Only your bonded mate will end it. So gay Vulcans are forced to mate with their bonded partner anyway.
Do Vulcans have to have sex with another Vulcan? Their bonded partner does not have to be Vulcan I suppose. But a different species probably would not agree to the union.
**Can have sex with any type of creature? Could a Vulcan have sex with the Horta? ** Well, yes, I suppose so… could you have sex with a chicken? It wouldn’t break the cycle, though.
Didn’t the Vulcan guy on Voyager just have sex with a hologram when he was going to go into Pon Far?
I believe so. That was at least the method that the doctor tried employing to cure him.
Since we Vulcans are a logical race and Pon Far is to result in child-bearing, it is illogical to think that there would be homosexual Vulcans. I can tell you for sure that there aren’t homosexual Vulcans. The fact that a human can ask such a question shows that you humans do not understand us and are too obsessed with deviant sexual practices.
I’m sure Zombie/Vulcan sex involves a lot of fan wanking.
It would be even funnier if this thread was seven years dead instead of nine. (But she wasn’t a Vulcan character.)
“It is my time of mating. Resistance is futile.”
I’ll be in my bunk.
Only semi-canon, but the current comic series from IDW (set in the movie-verse, not the Prime Universe) actually sort of addresses this.
They make it pretty clear that Spock and Uhura are going at it like Orion Bunnies, showing them in bed a couple different times.
The current arc (technically a sequel to the recent movie, but that’s pretty much beside the point) involves Spock going into Pon-Farr. (Uhura was…very surprised to meet T’Pring when they brought him to New Vulcan.) So, no, at least in the opinion of the people doing the comics, it clearly does not.
Since homosexuality seems to be a natural condition of mammalian species, and since Vulcans are pretty obviously mammalian species (Star Trek canon indicates that the major humanoid races are all derived from a common ancestor) then the absence of homosexual Vulcans could only come about by manipulation of the species, probably at a genetic level.
This collective decision would not have been logical. (Nor is the declaration that Pon Farr is "to result in child-bearing. This hugely overlooks the social utility of sexual behavior.)
The only logical conclusion is that Vulcans aren’t quite as logical as they pretend to be. (“Jim!”)
Are there Pon Farr Porn Stars?
Would that be a good Band Name?
That would be an awesome band name!
Are you sure you’d call someone with green, copper-based blood a mammal?
Are they viviparous and do they lactate? Signs point to yes.
Not entirely sure about the four-chambered heart.
However, again, Trek canon is that humans and Vulcans have a common ancestor. Obviously, this occurred much, much later than our abandonment of brachiation. (Vulcans have toes!) So, unless you want to define a whole new order for them, they have to be mammals.
Look, in Star Trek, just about everything in the universe including bird-like species, reptilian-like species, creatures made of “energy” and sometimes greater cosmic powers is descended from one humanoid species. Who apparently, err… spread their seed, shall we say? Anyway, it’s evolution seems to have more put things together after the fact than had similar lines all the way through.
In all seriousness, and at the risk of totally geeking out, there’s no reason to think Vulcan’s necessarily do or don’t have the same sexual miswirings as humans - which display in a considerable variety of ways. They may have completely different variations, or the same ones. But since they display sexuality in a completely distinct manner, I wouldn’t assume they do.
Klingons now, yeah, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have a Cult of the Spear, ifyaknowwhatImean.