Questions Only thread

Well, you wouldn’t want to have a duel in a blizzard or hurricane, would you?

Wouldn’t that make things more interesting?

It could be pretty dramatic, right?

What would it do to the odds on the bets?

Or the bets on the odds?

Are any of you Odd Fellows?

Who here is NOT an Odd Fellow?

You mean like Felix Unger or Oscar Madison?

Or even Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau?

Did anybody watch the Thomas Lennon and Matthew Perry version?

Matthew Perry I’ve vaguely heard of, but who’s that other guy?

They were an Odd Couple, not Odd Fellows, as such, weren’t they?

But wouldn’t you have to be an Odd Fellow to be part of an Odd Couple?

Do you think so? Couldn’t you be an Eagle, a Moose, a Kiwanis or a Rotarian?

How odd would that be?

Have you met any Rotarians?

Why don’t they just get push-button phones like everyone else?

Is what we have here a failure to (slightly more conveniently) communicate?

Are we texting each other here, in a way?

Did you know that In Britain, when you turn 100 you get a letter from the queen, and when you turn 16 you get a text from Prince Andrew?