Questions Only thread

Is anybody going to be going out for Halloween?

I’m not, are you?

No, but are you looking forward (as I am) to getting all the unsold candy at discounted prices the day after?

What would my diabetes doc say if I ate all that candy?

You have a diabetes doctor?

You mean candy isn’t a universal good?

Do you consider the invention of Three Musketeers ptui a universal good?

I take it you’re not a fan?

Who doesn’t like candy?

Would anyone dare confess it here?

May I confess working at Fanny Farmer Chocolates did kind of kill the thrill?
How about if I say I got over it?

Since “fanny” can be used as slang in the US and UK, is anybody else’s inner 12 year old giggling at the thought of Ass Farmer Chocolates, or even worse, what the British name would be?

Did you know Fanny Farmer Chocolates had absolutely nothing to do with the actual Fanny Farmer, author of the Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, which is still published?

Are you aware that the cookbook author’s name is spelled “Fannie,” as opposed to “Fanny”?

Since I’ve now learned something, may I be done for the day?

What is this, school?

Did anyone ever actually give their teacher an apple?

What do you think we are, teachers pets?

Don’t teachers prefer Microsoft-based computers?

Did anyone else have a hot teacher he lusted after?